Reservoir Characteristics of High-Quality Shale of Carboniferour Luzhai Formation in Rongshui Area, Guangxi
摘要: 主要以桂融页1井石炭系鹿寨组页岩为研究对象,利用全岩-黏土X衍射、氩离子抛光扫描电镜、核磁共振、现场解吸和地化分析等多种测试手段,结合测录井解释成果,从岩石学、有机地球化学、矿物组成、孔隙类型、储层物性及含气性等方面,系统评价了鹿寨组优质页岩储层特征.结果表明:①石炭系鹿寨组鹿一段优质页岩以黑色碳质页岩和灰黑色灰质页岩为主,主要形成于裂陷海槽沉积环境下的深水相,优质页岩连续厚度大,具备良好的页岩气沉积基础;②页岩有机碳含量高,热演化程度适中,具备良好的生烃基础和生烃能力;③页岩脆性好,孔隙空间发育良好,现场解吸含气性好,具备良好的页岩气储集能力;④页岩分布连续稳定,顶底板条件好,逆断封堵断层有利于页岩气富集保存,具备良好的页岩气保存条件.进一步证实了该地区石炭系鹿寨组具备良好的页岩气富集成藏条件.Abstract: This paper mainly takes the shale of Carboniferous Luzhai Formation of Guirongye 1 well as the research object, systematically evaluates the characteristics of high-quality shale reservoir of Luzhai Formation through the aspects of petrology, organic geochemistry, mineral composition, pore type, reservoir physical property and gas bearing property by using a variety of testing methods such as whole rock clay X-ray diffraction, argon ion polishing scanning electron microscope, nuclear magnetic resonance, field desorption and geochemical analysis, combined with logging interpretation results. The analysis results shows: ① the high-quality shale in the first member of Luzhai Formation of Carboniferous system is mainly black carbonaceous shale and gray black calcareous shale, which is mainly formed in deep-water facies under the sedimentary environment of rift trough. The high-quality shale has a continuous thickness and has a good shale gas sedimentary foundation; ②Luzhai shale formation has high organic carbon content, moderate degree of thermal evolution, and has good hydrocarbon generation basis and hydrocarbon generation capacity; ③Luzhai shale formation has good brittleness, well developed pore space, good desorption gas bearing property on site and good shale gas storage capacity; ④ The distribution of shale is continuous and stable, and the conditions of roof and floor are good. Fault reverse plugging is conducive to the enrichment and preservation of shale gas, which has good conditions for shale gas preservation. It is further confirmed that the Carboniferous Luzhai Formation in this area has good conditions for rich shale gas accumulation.
图 10 桂融页1井石炭系鹿寨组页岩氩离子抛光+扫描电子显微镜检测结果
a. 全貌, 结构致密, 各矿物组分相间分布, 方解石含量较高, 溶蚀现象多见, 有机质多呈线状(100×);b. 图片01局部放大, 粒径不一的方解石发育溶蚀孔、粒内裂隙,能谱确认(800×); c. 图片02局部放大,微晶方解石、片状云母、高岭石等相间分布,黏土矿物发育层间缝,能谱确认(6 000×); d. 图片01局部放大,微粒状石英发育稀疏状孔隙,方解石发育溶蚀孔(800×);e. 图片01局部放大,散块状有机质与周围矿物组分致密接触(2 400×);f. 图片05局部放大,有机质发育孤立状孔隙(30 000×);g. 图片01局部放大,微粒状方解石发育少量溶蚀孔,有机质充填方解石粒缘孔隙(2 000×); h. 图片07局部放大,有机质致密充填草莓状黄铁矿晶间孔(16 000×)
Fig. 10. Argon ion polishing and scanning electron microscope test results of Luzhai Formation shale of Carboniferous system in Guirongye 1 well
表 1 石炭系海相页岩岩相分类
Table 1. Lithofacies classification of Carboniferous marine shale
大类 亚类 硅质含量 灰质含量 泥质含量 硅岩 > 75% < 25% < 25% S 硅质页岩 S-1 富灰硅质页岩 50%~75% 25%~50% < 25% S-2 硅质页岩 50%~75% < 25% < 25% S-3 富泥硅质页岩 50%~75% < 25% 25%~50% M 混合质页岩 M-1 富灰/硅混合质页岩 25%~50% 25%~50% < 25% M-2 富泥/硅混合质页岩 25%~50% < 25% 25%~50% M-3 混合质页岩 25%~50% 25%~50% 25%~50% M-4 富泥/灰混合质页岩 < 25% 25%~50% 25%~50% 泥岩 < 25% < 25% > 75% CM 泥质页岩 CM-1 富硅泥质页岩 25%~50% < 25% 50%~75% CM-2 泥质页岩 < 25% < 25% 50%~75% CM-3 富灰泥质页岩 < 25% 25%~50% 50%~75% 灰岩 < 25% > 75% < 25% C 灰质页岩 C-1 富硅灰质页岩 25%~50% 50%~75% < 25% C-2 灰质页岩 < 25% 50%~75% < 25% C-3 富泥灰质页岩 < 25% 50%~75% 25%~50% 表 2 桂融页1井取心样品X-衍射全岩矿物分析
Table 2. X-ray diffraction whole-rock mineral analysis of Guirongye 1 well coring sample
深度(m) 矿物成分含量(%) 石英 钾长石 斜长石 方解石 白云石 菱铁矿 黄铁矿 黏土矿物 1 417.90 39 0 0 31 5 0 2 23 1 535.00 27 0 0 43 5 0 2 23 1 547.50 48 0 0 7 0 0 3 42 1 552.00 33 0 0 25 6 0 2 34 1 566.00 43 0 0 20 3 0 2 32 1 603.10 47 0 0 11 0 0 4 38 1 608.10 44 0 0 8 0 0 3 45 1 615.60 38 0 0 24 0 0 3 35 1 617.98 48 0 0 25 0 0 2 25 1 624.06 35 0 0 42 5 0 3 15 1 625.80 25 0 0 41 4 0 3 27 1 626.75 19 0 0 70 0 0 0 11 1 629.50 42 0 0 9 0 0 4 45 1 631.80 40 0 0 19 0 0 3 38 1 633.80 9 0 0 80 5 0 2 4 3 014.80 35 0 6 0 16 0 3 40 3 023.80 68 0 6 0 0 0 2 24 3 265.30 28 0 17 0 0 0 0 55 3 266.50 37 2 24 0 0 0 0 37 3 288.40 38 0 22 21 2 0 0 17 表 3 桂融页1井取心样品X-衍射粘土矿物分析
Table 3. X-ray diffraction clay mineral analysis of Guirongye 1 well coring sample
深度(m) 黏土矿物含量(%) 伊/蒙混层比(%) 蒙皂石 伊利石 高岭石 绿泥石 伊/蒙混层 绿/蒙混层 蒙皂石层 伊利石层 S I K C I/S C/S S(%) I(%) 1 417.90 0 66 16 2 16 0 10 90 1 535.00 0 52 29 5 14 0 10 90 1 547.50 0 55 24 5 16 0 10 90 1 552.00 0 54 24 5 17 0 10 90 1 566.00 0 60 21 4 15 0 10 90 1 603.10 0 61 19 4 16 0 10 90 1 608.10 0 63 17 3 17 0 10 90 1 613.60 0 58 22 2 18 0 10 90 1 615.60 0 59 21 3 17 0 10 90 1 617.98 0 38 14 4 44 0 5 95 1 624.06 0 36 20 5 39 0 5 95 1 625.80 0 59 23 2 16 0 10 90 1 626.75 0 40 42 8 10 0 5 95 1 629.50 0 37 21 5 37 0 5 95 1 633.80 0 14 66 13 7 0 5 95 3 014.80 0 54 6 30 10 0 5 95 3 023.80 0 61 4 20 15 0 5 95 3 265.30 0 43 6 40 11 0 5 95 3 266.50 0 61 3 28 8 0 5 95 3 288.40 0 54 6 33 7 0 5 95 表 4 桂融页1井取心样品镜质体反射率Ro分析测试结果
Table 4. Laboratory Ro test results of Guirongye 1 well coring sample
采样深度(m) 镜质体反射率Ro(%) 最小值 最大值 平均值 1 256.00 1.82 2.23 2.08 1 362.06 2.5 2.79 2.62 1 417.90 2.15 2.30 2.32 1 419.98 2.45 2.72 2.65 1 461.00 2.07 2.28 2.16 1 535.00 2.35 2.62 2.43 1 536.01 2.56 2.89 2.67 1 547.50 2.65 2.91 2.71 1 552.00 2.52 2.89 2.73 1 554.50 2.52 2.87 2.64 1 566.00 2.56 2.95 2.82 1 603.10 2.53 2.97 2.85 1 605.00 2.1 2.32 2.21 1 608.10 2.45 2.93 2.84 1 615.60 2.59 3.05 2.87 1 617.98 2.29 2.6 2.46 1 629.50 2.59 2.82 2.68 2 350.00 3.25 3.39 3.32 3 014.80 3.08 3.52 3.29 3 265.30 3.75 4.08 3.91 TT-03 2.18 2.4 2.29 TT-08(b) 2.22 2.47 2.31 TT-13(t) 2.17 2.45 2.34 表 5 桂融页1井取心样品干酪根显微组分鉴定及类型划分
Table 5. Identification and classification of kerogen macerals of Guirongye 1 well coring sample
深度(m) 腐泥组(%) 壳质组(%) 镜质组(%) 惰质组(%) 类型 腐泥组无定形体 腐殖无定形体 正常镜质体 丝质体 类型指数 类型 1 419.98 43 36 10 11 42.5 Ⅱ1 1 536.01 34 43 13 10 35.8 Ⅱ2 1 554.50 44 35 9 12 42.8 Ⅱ1 1 603.05 38 39 10 13 37.0 Ⅱ2 1 629.50 40 43 9 8 46.8 Ⅱ1 1 417.90 42 42 12 4 50.0 Ⅱ1 1 535.00 38 39 21 2 39.8 Ⅱ2 1 547.50 37 45 16 2 45.5 Ⅱ1 1 566.00 39 41 17 3 43.8 Ⅱ1 1 603.10 40 38 20 2 42.0 Ⅱ1 1 608.10 35 46 18 1 43.5 Ⅱ1 1 615.60 37 48 13 2 49.3 Ⅱ1 1 625.80 39 47 11 3 51.3 Ⅱ1 -
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