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    杨帆 王权 郝芳 邹华耀 殷杰 许可

    杨帆, 王权, 郝芳, 邹华耀, 殷杰, 许可, 2020. 冀中坳陷饶阳凹陷北部烃源岩生物标志物特征与油源对比. 地球科学, 45(1): 263-275. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2018.374
    引用本文: 杨帆, 王权, 郝芳, 邹华耀, 殷杰, 许可, 2020. 冀中坳陷饶阳凹陷北部烃源岩生物标志物特征与油源对比. 地球科学, 45(1): 263-275. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2018.374
    Yang Fan, Wang Quan, Hao Fang, Zou Huayao, Yin Jie, Xu Ke, 2020. Biomarker Characteristics of Source Rock and Oil-Correlation in Raoyang Depression, Jizhong Sub-Basin. Earth Science, 45(1): 263-275. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2018.374
    Citation: Yang Fan, Wang Quan, Hao Fang, Zou Huayao, Yin Jie, Xu Ke, 2020. Biomarker Characteristics of Source Rock and Oil-Correlation in Raoyang Depression, Jizhong Sub-Basin. Earth Science, 45(1): 263-275. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2018.374


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2018.374

    国家自然科学基金重大项目 41690134

    国家自然科学基金项目 U1663210

    中国石油华北油田科技项目 HBYT-YJY-2014-JS


      杨帆(1993-), 男, 博士研究生, 从事油气地球化学、油气成藏等研究



    • 中图分类号: P632

    Biomarker Characteristics of Source Rock and Oil-Correlation in Raoyang Depression, Jizhong Sub-Basin

    • 摘要: 饶阳凹陷北部油气资源丰富、圈闭类型多样,但其原油成因类型和来源尚不明确.利用烃源岩和原油生物标志物参数特征,有效区分3套烃源岩并通过聚类分析法划分原油成因类型,建立油岩关系并探讨各类型原油分布特征.研究表明:3套烃源岩在8组生标参数上表现出明显差异.饶阳北部地区发现的原油可划分为4种类型,包括沙三型、沙三和沙一下混合型、沙一下和沙三上混合型、沙一下型.3套烃源岩的生物标志物差异反映了它们具有不同的母质类型和沉积环境.沙三型分布在任丘潜山北部任北斜坡;沙三和沙一下混合型原油分布在马西洼槽中南部;沙一下和沙三上混合型分布在马西洼槽南边的八里庄油田;沙一下型分布在研究区西部蠡县斜坡上的高阳油田.这种分布特征主要是受到源岩分布和热演化程度的控制.


    • 图  1  饶阳凹陷北部地区主要构造单元、油气田分布

      Fig.  1.  Tectonic units and location of oil fields of the northern part of Raoyang depression

      图  2  饶阳凹陷北部地区3套源岩典型质谱图

      G为伽马蜡烷; H为藿烷;C27-C29为C27-C29甾烷

      Fig.  2.  Representative mass chromatograms of saturate fractions for different source rocks in the northern part of Raoyang depression

      图  3  饶阳凹陷北部地区烃源岩生物标志物参数分布

      Fig.  3.  Biomarker parameters and their relationships of source rocks in the northern part of Raoyang depression

      图  4  饶阳凹陷北部地区原油性质剖面

      Fig.  4.  Variation of oil characteristics with depth in the northern part of Raoyang depression

      图  5  饶阳凹陷北部地区4类原油典型质谱图

      Fig.  5.  Representative mass chromatograms of saturate fractions for Class1 oil, Class2 oil, Class3 oil and Class4 oil in the northern part of Raoyang depression

      图  6  饶阳凹陷北部油田原油聚类分析

      Fig.  6.  Hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) results showing crude oil classes for the oil fields in the northern part of Raoyang depression

      图  7  饶阳凹陷北部各类型原油平面分布

      Fig.  7.  Geographic distribution of oils originated from different source rocks in the northern part of Raoyang depression

      图  8  饶阳凹陷北部地区原油成因类型划分

      Fig.  8.  Division of crude oil genetic tapes in the northern part of Raoyang depression

      图  9  饶阳凹陷北部地区第三系油藏不同成因类型原油的分布

      Fig.  9.  Geographic distribution of oils in Tertiary reservoirs originated from different source rocks in the northern part of Raoyang depression

      图  10  饶阳凹陷北部地区潜山油藏不同成因类型原油的分布

      Fig.  10.  Geographic distribution of oils in buried hill reservoirs originated from different source rocks in the northern part of Raoyang depression

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    • 收稿日期:  2018-10-22
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