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    曾智霖 程晓钰 王红梅 曹静 杨梓琪 刘晓燕 王昳衡 李璐 苏春田 黄奇波

    曾智霖, 程晓钰, 王红梅, 曹静, 杨梓琪, 刘晓燕, 王昳衡, 李璐, 苏春田, 黄奇波, 2023. 喀斯特洞穴细菌群落的生境特异性及其潜在功能:以广西桂林盘龙洞为例. 地球科学, 48(12): 4711-4726. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.068
    引用本文: 曾智霖, 程晓钰, 王红梅, 曹静, 杨梓琪, 刘晓燕, 王昳衡, 李璐, 苏春田, 黄奇波, 2023. 喀斯特洞穴细菌群落的生境特异性及其潜在功能:以广西桂林盘龙洞为例. 地球科学, 48(12): 4711-4726. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.068
    Zeng Zhilin, Cheng Xiaoyu, Wang Hongmei, Cao Jing, Yang Ziqi, Liu Xiaoyan, Wang Yiheng, Li Lu, Su Chuntian, Huang Qibo, 2023. Niche Specificity and Potential Functions of Microbial Communities in Karst Caves as Exampled by Panlong Cave in Guilin City, Guangxi. Earth Science, 48(12): 4711-4726. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.068
    Citation: Zeng Zhilin, Cheng Xiaoyu, Wang Hongmei, Cao Jing, Yang Ziqi, Liu Xiaoyan, Wang Yiheng, Li Lu, Su Chuntian, Huang Qibo, 2023. Niche Specificity and Potential Functions of Microbial Communities in Karst Caves as Exampled by Panlong Cave in Guilin City, Guangxi. Earth Science, 48(12): 4711-4726. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.068


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.068

    国家自然科学基金重点项目 91951208

    广西自然科学基金项目 2020GXNSFAA297025

    中国地质调查局地质调查项目 DD20190343


      曾智霖(1998-),女,助教,主要从事喀斯特洞穴微生物研究. ORCID:0009-0008-0365-8154. E-mail:825949348@qq.com


      王红梅,教授,主要从事地质微生物的教学和科研工作. ORCID: 0000-0001-7621-7810. E-mail: wanghmei04@163.com

    • 中图分类号: X172

    Niche Specificity and Potential Functions of Microbial Communities in Karst Caves as Exampled by Panlong Cave in Guilin City, Guangxi

    • 摘要: 开展岩溶洞穴不同生境微生物与环境因子间的研究,对阐明深部生物圈微生物的多样性、潜在功能及环境驱动机制具有重要意义.以广西桂林盘龙洞为例,通过对细菌16S rRNA高通量测序系统研究了洞穴7种小生境细菌群落的空间分布特征及其与环境因子之间的关系.研究发现温度是驱动盘龙洞细菌群落组成的重要因素,微生物群落组成及潜在生态功能均具有生境特异性,不同生境具有独有的细菌指示类群.滴水、干燥石笋表面生物膜、湿润石笋表面生物膜3个生境与洞穴氮循环密切相关,风化结皮、沉积物、岩壁3个生境与洞穴微生物固定二氧化碳关系紧密.此外,洞穴细菌通过密切的代谢交换形成协作的正相关关系,暗示着微生物在洞穴这一极端环境中的生存策略.


    • 图  1  广西桂林盘龙洞采样点分布示意图(a)以及采样点的照片(b~h)


      Fig.  1.  Schematic diagram of sampling sites in the Panlong Cave, Guilin City, Guangxi (a) and images of sampling sites in situ (b-h)

      图  2  桂林盘龙洞微生物群落结构及不同生境中微生物群落的指示类群

      a.相对丰度前10的门的组成;b.相对丰度前15的属组成;c.基于LEfSe分析确定的不同生境的指示类群(LDA SCORE > 4);d.基于ASVs水平的微生物群落非度量多维尺度分析(NMDS);DW.滴水;S.沉积物;WC.风化结皮;W.岩壁;DS.干石笋表面生物膜;OS.上覆土壤;WS.湿石笋表面生物膜

      Fig.  2.  Microbial community compositions and microbial indicator groups of different niches in the Panlong Cave, Guilin City

      图  3  广西桂林盘龙洞中细菌群落结构与环境因子之间的冗余分析(RDA)(a)及不同微生物类群与环境因子的相关性热图(b)


      Fig.  3.  Redundancy analysis (RDA) (a) and the heatmap (b) of microbial communities and environmental parameters in the Panlong Cave, Guilin City, Guangxi

      图  4  基于Tax4fun2数据库对盘龙洞细菌群落参与洞穴元素循环功能预测图; (a)氮循环; (b)碳固定


      Fig.  4.  Function predictions related to nitrogen (a) and carbon (b) cycles based on 16S rRNA against Tax4fun2 database in the Panlong Cave, Guangxi

      图  5  盘龙洞细菌群落的共现网络分析.(a)按模块着色;(b)按门类着色;(c)来自不同生境的节点在网络模块中所占比例


      Fig.  5.  The co-occurrence network analysis of bacterial communities colored by taxonomy (a) and by modules (b) in the Panlong Cave, Guilin City, Guangxi. The node size is proportional to the number of connections. Positive links were in pink and negative ones in green. (c) Relative abundance of bacterial ASVs within individual modules in the networks

      表  1  广西桂林盘龙洞洞穴中各个生境样本α多样性指数

      Table  1.   α diversity index of microbial communities in various habitats in the Panlong Cave, Guilin City, Guangxi

      生境 Simpson Chao1 ACE Shannon
      S 0.98±0.02a 1 449.64±218.07bc 1 454.32±218.59bc 8.13±0.67ab
      W 0.98±0.03a 1 372.14±397.49bc 1 374.13±402.37bcd 8.12±0.91ab
      OS 0.98±0.03a 2 244.26±562.91a 2 224.21±553.77a 8.95±1.12a
      WC 0.98±0.01a 1 053.27±377.47cd 1 058.01±373.47cd 7.67±0.95b
      DW 0.86±0.01b 965.02±361.88d 982.32±377.49d 5.6±0.45c
      WS 0.98±0.03a 1 517.85±145.02b 1 519.34±139.96b 8.29±0.79ab
      DS 0.99±0.00a 1 667.17±331.51b 1 662.63±335.29b 8.97±0.27a
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      表  2  广西桂林盘龙洞内各样品的理化参数

      Table  2.   Physicochemical parameters of samples in the Panlong Cave in Guilin City, Guangxi

      样品名 Cl-
      Ca/Mg pH TOC(%) C/N 温度(℃)
      PLD1W 2.04±0.13 108.72±12.57 8.64±0.11 7.14±1.85 15.36±0.50 8.21±0.05 9.14±0.03 2.68 82.76 10.80
      PLD1S 1.32±0.08 35.70±0.42 1.98±0.04 8.10±9.62 5.94±7.51 7.47±0.10 8.44±0.04 1.82 11.49 10.80
      PLD2W 2.16±0.11 296.82±2.03 52.50±1.88 6.84±0.44 37.92±5.57 4.08±2.12 8.39±0.03 0.73 5.64 13.60
      PLD2S 0.66±0.14 20.34±0.27 0.78±0.06 6.36±0.70 16.56±2.13 18.9±0.70 8.39±0.01 1.45 7.66 13.60
      PLD3W 3.36±0.62 30.66±9.12 6.54±0.13 12.72±7.02 51.78±5.63 5.06±0.09 9.04±0.01 1.57 122.95 17.10
      PLD3S 10.98±0.11 134.52±1.97 22.44±0.91 6.96±0.71 14.52±1.24 2.10±0.02 8.41±0.04 0.77 7.21 17.10
      PLD4W 2.34±0.14 61.92±0.49 4.44±0.07 7.74±0.92 17.58±1.86 8.10±0.06 8.95±0.02 2.79 246.82 16.40
      PLD4S 24.66±0.94 606.84±20.39 42.06±0.95 8.34±9.34 6.06±7.34 4.50±0.03 7.80±0.01 0.58 6.00 16.40
      PLD5W 6.24±0.08 97.68±9.17 5.58±0.47 8.46±0.46 17.88±2.39 22.13±0.48 8.41±0.04 2.93 50.65 17.40
      PLD5S 23.64±0.17 1 682.04±77.99 148.62±3.90 8.28±0.77 19.32±1.70 8.18±0.01 7.83±0.04 0.38 5.32 17.40
      PLD6W 2.04±0.07 40.68±0.23 5.34±0.06 9.72±2.06 27.84±8.95 30.63±0.57 8.73±0.02 3.67 63.71 17.90
      PLD6S 10.32±1.21 1 374.60±18.00 36.00±1.30 6.48±0.42 14.64±3.97 14.29±0.13 8.15±0.03 0.54 5.37 17.90
      PLD7W 2.82±0.09 26.04±0.31 6.06±6.07 8.10±2.05 21.60±15.73 3.54±0.35 9.19±0.03 5.48 302.34 18.30
      PLD7S 8.70±0.04 63.84±1.52 12.72±0.37 10.02±1.93 33.66±14.77 6.41±0.14 8.62±0.02 4.46 172.81 18.30
      PLD8W 3.24±0.00 18.18±0.90 29.52±23.06 10.68±6.12 19.20±7.74 3.63±0.71 9.05±0.07 1.81 201.72 18.60
      PLD8S 1.62±0.07 14.46±0.34 222.54±88.59 15.48±4.98 28.50±4.40 0.94±0.45 8.46±0.03 3.71 146.12 18.60
      PLD9W 3.36±0.00 21.54±0.37 1.38±0.04 10.68±4.85 21.42±6.90 31.29±12.42 8.73±0.01 2.77 147.06 18.70
      PLD9S 6.18±0.07 68.10±0.20 72.84±83.33 15.06±4.36 28.98±5.75 17.81±10.48 8.14±0.02 5.76 156.64 18.70
      PLD10W 5.22±0.01 68.82±0.20 0.84±0.29 8.52±1.25 22.68±2.85 26.42±1.83 9.26±0.04 4.08 353.98 19.30
      PLD10S 0.54±0.02 34.98±24.30 32.52±0.85 9.42±1.74 22.50±8.22 8.07±0.2 8.57±0.03 0.28 4.02 19.30
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