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    Volume 38 Issue 5
    Sep.  2013
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    Article Contents
    ZHAO Feng-hua, LIU Nai-li, SUN Hong-fu, LIU Yi-ming, ZHANG Lu, 2013. Evaluation of Acid Neutralization Capacity of Rocks. Earth Science, 38(5): 1099-1106. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2013.108
    Citation: ZHAO Feng-hua, LIU Nai-li, SUN Hong-fu, LIU Yi-ming, ZHANG Lu, 2013. Evaluation of Acid Neutralization Capacity of Rocks. Earth Science, 38(5): 1099-1106. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2013.108

    Evaluation of Acid Neutralization Capacity of Rocks

    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2013.108
    • Received Date: 2012-12-01
    • Publish Date: 2013-09-15
    • Acid neutralization capacity (ANC) of rocks is an important parameter of static acid generating prediction, and it is also the most controversial parameter. Twelve typical country rocks of Permo-Carboniferous coal-bearing measures from Xishan coal field at Shanxi Province are studied by four evaluation methods of acid neutralization capacity. Filtered Sobek ANC test can effectively eliminate effect of reactive pyrite for ANC determination. The ANC value based on filtered Sobek ANC test is more accurate than that of Modified Sobek ANC test. Sequential Sobek ANC tests are feasible for mudstone and pyrite samples. Mineralogical ANC method is more suitable for evaluating limestone and siderite samples with strong bubbling reaction, but not for mudstone and sandstone samples. The Mineralogical ANC value can't reflect the real acid neutralization capacity of mudstone and sandstone samples. Limestone and siderite samples have strong acid neutralization capacity, and the ANC values of samples do not change with time. Sandstone and mudstone samples have low ANC values, which decrease with time.


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      通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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        沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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