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    Volume 40 Issue 4
    Apr.  2015
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    Zhang Daojun, Liu Xinyu, Wang Yahui, Luo Wei, You Li, Xu Shouli, 2015. Sedimentary Evolution and Reservoir Characteristics of Carbonate Rocks since Late Miocene in Xisha Area of the South China Sea. Earth Science, 40(4): 606-614. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2015.048
    Citation: Zhang Daojun, Liu Xinyu, Wang Yahui, Luo Wei, You Li, Xu Shouli, 2015. Sedimentary Evolution and Reservoir Characteristics of Carbonate Rocks since Late Miocene in Xisha Area of the South China Sea. Earth Science, 40(4): 606-614. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2015.048

    Sedimentary Evolution and Reservoir Characteristics of Carbonate Rocks since Late Miocene in Xisha Area of the South China Sea

    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2015.048
    • Received Date: 2014-08-11
    • Publish Date: 2015-04-01
    • Reef-bank carbonate is one of the most important oil and gas reservoirs in deep-water area of the South China Sea. By macroscopic description of the well Xike-1 core (0-576.5 m) and microscopic analysis, combining with paleontology, paleomagnetism, high-resolution core scanning and large amounts of test result analysis, the carbonate reef system is studied in detail in this paper. The research indicates that this well has recorded 6 exposure events, and 2 drowning events since Late Miocene. Based on analyses of paleontology, paleomagnetism and lithium isotopes, 8 third-order sequences can be recognized, among which Late Miocene Huangliu Formation and Quaternary Ledong Formation are the main reef growth phase. By detailed petrography study, the rock types, diagenetic types and pore types of the Quaternary reef carbonate are systematically depicted, and the diagenetic environments are rebuilt.


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      通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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        沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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