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    Volume 48 Issue 9
    Sep.  2023
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    Li Chang'an, Zhang Yufen, Xu Wangsheng, Li Guoqing, 2023. Paleogeographic Pattern of Hankou and Hanjiang Estuary 350 Years Ago. Earth Science, 48(9): 3552-3561. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2021.259
    Citation: Li Chang'an, Zhang Yufen, Xu Wangsheng, Li Guoqing, 2023. Paleogeographic Pattern of Hankou and Hanjiang Estuary 350 Years Ago. Earth Science, 48(9): 3552-3561. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2021.259

    Paleogeographic Pattern of Hankou and Hanjiang Estuary 350 Years Ago

    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2021.259
    • Received Date: 2021-09-21
      Available Online: 2023-10-07
    • Publish Date: 2023-09-25
    • Hankou is one of the three towns of Wuhan. It is the center of politics, finance, commerce and trade, foreign exchanges and an important transportation hub in central China. It has been known as "the first flourishing place in Chu" since ancient times and is known both at home and abroad as "The Chicago of the East". Hankou is not an administrative unit of Wuhan, but an region roughly under the jurisdiction of three administrative areas including Jiangan District, Jianghan District and Qiaokou District. It has been widely recognized that the rise of Hankou depended on the advantages of geographical environment. Located in the hinterland of the Hanjiang River estuary area, Hankou is an interaction area between the Yangtze River and the Hanjiang River. The geographical environment is changeable, the space-time evolution is complex, and there are different geographical patterns in different periods. Based on the Whole Map of Hanyang Prefecture in 1669 and other documents, this paper restores the ancient geography of Hankou during the reign of Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty. It is found that there were three rivers in Hankou area at that time, namely, Yudai River, Xianghe River and Lunhe River, which had the characteristics of "integrating rivers and lakes". Along the river, there were tall natural levees, which became the main geomorphic unit for the ancestors to live. Hanjiang River diverts from the east of Chengtou mountain in Caidian, which has 5 branch channels. During that period, the peak of the estuary distributary area of Hanjiang River the peak of the Hanjiang River estuary delta was near Chengtou Mountain, and the range of the estuary distributary area of Hanjiang River the Hanjiang River estuary delta was roughly within the boundary area of Chengtou Mountain-Shenjiaji-Xiaojun Mountain. Hankou Town was located between the Hanjiang River and the Yudai River, that is, within the enclosure dike formed by the natural levee of the Hanjiang River and the Yuangong Dike. The town and its public cultural buildings reflect the prosperity of Hankou Town at that time. The settlements outside Hankou Town were mainly concentrated on the natural levee, which lasted until the construction of Zhanggong Dike in the early 20th century. This study reveals for the first time the pattern of Hankou paleogeography in the Kangxi period of Qing Dynasty, which is of great significance to the understanding of the historical paleogeography evolution of Wuhan and the relationship between man and land. At the same time, it has certain reference value to the study of human settlement paleogeography in inland river estuary area and the geographical background of the rise of city.


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