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    Volume 26 Issue 1
    Jan.  2001
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    QI Shi-hua, SHENG Guo-ying, FU Jia-mo, YE Zhao-xian, WU Jian-xun, 2001. PAHs IN AEROSOLS AT DINGHUSHAN NATURAL PROTECTION ZONE. Earth Science, 26(1): 83-87.
    Citation: QI Shi-hua, SHENG Guo-ying, FU Jia-mo, YE Zhao-xian, WU Jian-xun, 2001. PAHs IN AEROSOLS AT DINGHUSHAN NATURAL PROTECTION ZONE. Earth Science, 26(1): 83-87.


    • Received Date: 2000-03-13
    • Publish Date: 2001-01-25
    • The PAHs, widely distributed in our environment, and harmful to our health, is a kind of organic compounds. The analysis of the natural geography in the Dinghushan natural protection zone and that of the benzopyrene in aerosols conclude that the content of PAHs in aerosols in the spring samples comes mainly from the emission from the plants. However that in the summer samples comes mainly from the discharge of the fossil burning in the Pearl River Delta Economic Zone.


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      通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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        沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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