Major Factors Controlling the Accumulation and High Productivity of Marine Shale Gas and Prospect Forecast in Southern China
摘要: 近年来我国在四川盆地率先实现了页岩气商业开发,奥陶系五峰组-志留系龙马溪组成为南方海相页岩气开发的主力层系.通过梳理页岩气沉积与分布特征、构造演化特征、构造样式及保存特征、页岩储层特征,提出了我国南方海相页岩气富集高产的主控因素:深水陆棚相富有机质优质页岩是物质基础;构造抬升时间和构造样式是页岩气富集保存的关键因素,总结了构造保存完整型、残留型、破坏型3大类页岩气构造样式;地层超压是页岩气高产的必要条件.最终展望了页岩气发展前景,预测了我国南方几个古隆起的边缘和滇黔桂地区是未来页岩气勘探开发的有利区.Abstract: Sichuan basin has been taking the lead in China for the shale gas business development in recent years. Ordovician Wufeng Formation-Silurian Longmaxi Formation has been the main layer of marine shale gas development in the south. Based on the analysis of shale gas deposition and distribution, tectonic evolution, tectonic patterns and preservation, shale reservoir characteristics, the main controlling factors on enrichment and high-production of marine shale gas are summarized. The rich organic shale formed in deep shelf sedimentary environment is taken of the main factor as the material basis. The time and style of tectonic uplift are the key factors of shale gas accumulation and preservation. Three types of shale gas tectonic styles are determined, including intact type, residual type and destructive type. Overpressure of formation is a necessary condition of high shale gas production. In this paper the prospect of shale gas in South China has been forecasted. Edges of paleo-highs and Yunnan-Guizhou-Guangxi region are predicted as the favorable areas for future exploration and development of shale gas.
Key words:
- shale gas /
- enrichment /
- high-production /
- main controlling factor /
- tectonic style /
- storage conditions /
- petroleum geology
表 1 四川盆地及周缘典型页岩气井的压力系数与产量
Table 1. The pressure coefficient and production of shale gas well in the Sichuan basin and adjacent area
井号 压力系数 产量(104·m3·d-1) 焦页1HF 1.45 20.3 焦页27-1 1.45 34.3 焦页27-2 1.47 26.1 焦页27-3 1.54 33.5 焦页27-4 1.54 37.5 焦页29-1 1.63 35.6 焦页20-1 1.46 31.4 焦页20-2 1.49 34.8 焦页3-2 1.47 23.8 焦页3-3 0.97 14.5 焦页16-3 1.28 14.1 焦页29-3 1.51 31.8 焦页29-4 1.55 41.4 DY2HF 1.60 10.5 彭页1HF 0.96 2.3 彭页3HF 0.96 3.2 彭页4HF 0.94 1.7 南页1HF 1.50 0.2 威201-H1 0.92 1.3 威201 0.92 0.3 威202 1.40 2.8 威204 1.96 16.5 宁201-H1 2.03 15.0 长宁H2-1 1.79 8.0 长宁H2-2 1.58 21.0 长宁H2-3 1.62 8.3 长宁H2-4 1.60 13.4 长宁H3-1 1.93 7.7 长宁H3-2 1.92 7.7 长宁H3-3 1.96 5.6 阳201-H2 2.20 43.0 YSH1-1 1.15 3.6 YS108H1-1 2.00 20.7 保页1井 1.00 0.2 龙参2井 1.00 0.2 昭101 0.80 微含气 -
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