Periodic Negative Pressure of Well Acidation Method
摘要: 针对常规水井酸处理法增产效果有限、对地下水污染严重的问题, 提出了水井酸处理的周期性负压法.该方法通过产生周期性负压, 不断向裂隙中压入井筒里活性较强的酸液, 并及时清除裂隙中的反应产物, 因而使用一次周期性负压法, 具有多次常规酸处理加物理洗井的增产效果; 同时它利用周期性负压和少量多次注酸, 限制水井酸处理的污染范围, 降低对地下水的污染程度.使用结果表明: 与常规水井酸处理法相比, 水井酸处理的周期性负压法可使水井酸处理效果平均提高186%, 酸处理后的污水排出量减少59%.另外, 该方法简便易用, 使用成本低, 可广泛推广应用.Abstract: To against the disadvantages of lower increase of well discharge and serious pollution to groundwater in using the conventional methods of well acid treatment, the authors advanced a method of well acid treatment with periodic negative pressure. The stronger acid liquor in pit shaft are pushed into fissures of carbonatite aquifer and withdrawn the reaction products in the fissures by periodic negative pressure. Therefore the result using this method one time is equal to the conventional method and flushing for many times. Using periodic negative pressure and less amount of acid with multiple injection effectively reduces groundwater pollution. The practice results show that this method can increase 186% of average well discharge and reduce 59% of average drainage of polluted water in comparison with the conventional method. The method can be widely used because of its good results, lower pollution and cost, and convenient to be used.
Key words:
- well acidation /
- result /
- pollution /
- periodic negative pressure.
表 1 1996年以来郑州市水井酸处理法增产效果对比
Table 1. Comparison of specific well discharge increment for different well acidation methods
表 2 两种酸处理法酸处理后污水排出量对比
Table 2. Comparison of polluted water volume pumped out from wells treated by conventional and periodic negative pressure acidation methods
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