Discussion on Hydraulic Loading and Effluent Effect in Wastewater Infiltration land Treating Systems
摘要: 污水渗滤土地处理系统中, 水力停留时间与出水效果之间的关系, 直接涉及到系统的大小与出水效果之间的关系.一般认为各污染组分的去除率与水力停留时间之间符合一级反应动力学方程.从微生物生长动力学角度出发, 就此问题做了进一步讨论.结果表明, 各污染组分的出水浓度与水力停留时间之间的关系严格地说, 是一种类指数关系, 它实际是一条直线和一条负指数曲线叠加而成, 而并非纯指数关系.实际应用结果表明, 不同系统的处理效率可以通过一级反应速率常数KT进行对比评价.提高系统的处理效率可以围绕反映系统净化能力的综合指数KT, 从提高系统内微生物活性的角度出发, 以减小系统的占地及投资.Abstract: In the wastewater infiltration land treating systems, the relation between hydraulic residence time and effects of effluent is directly associated with the relation between system scale and effects of effluent. The relation between pollutants' removals and hydraulic residence time following first order dynamic equation is commonly accepted. This paper further discusses this question from the point of microorganism increasing dynamics.Resultsshow that, strictly speaking, the relation between concentrations of different pollutants in effluent and hydraulic residence time is an analogous exponential relation, but actually, its curve shows a superposition of a straight line and a negative exponential curve, but not a pure negative exponential curve. Application results verify that, treating efficiency of different systems can be compared and evaluated by the first order rate constants, KT. To improve the treating efficiency and reduce the land using and investment, we can adopt measures to improve the activities of microorganisms around the first order rate constants, KT, integrated indexes reflecting the purifying capability of different systems.
图 1 活塞流动模型物料衡算示意图[4]
Fig. 1. Plug flow model for materiel equilibrium calculations
表 1 国外一些构建湿地系统及本试验的一级反应速率常数对比
Table 1. Comparison of the first order rate constants of some foreign constructed wetlands and this experiment
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