Design and Implementation of MAPGIS OLE DB Provider
摘要: 组件式GIS是GIS与组件技术相结合的新一代地理信息系统.介绍了地理信息系统和组件式GIS的基本概念, 并简单介绍了组件式GIS的基本优点及MAPGIS组件开发平台的组成和功能划分.阐述了使用MAPGIS组件进行GIS应用软件二次开发的一般方法和步骤, 以及在VB中使用MAPGIS组件对象的基本步骤.并以VB为开发环境, 结合MAPGIS数据管理组件、图形显示组件、图形编辑控件、属性编辑控件等, 给出了一个具有图形显示、地理属性数据编辑等功能的实例程序, 演示了如何使用MAPGIS组件进行GIS应用软件的二次开发.Abstract: Component GIS, combined with GIS and component technology, is a mainstream in GIS technology. This paper introduces the concept of GIS and component GIS and presents the merits of component GIS and the structure of MAPGIS component development platform. Meanwhile it shows the common method of GIS application development by using MAPGIS components and the steps of using MAPGIS components in VISUAL BASIC. Also, it describes a sample to demonstrate how to develop GIS application based on MAPGIS components. The sample is combined with VISUAL BASIC and MAPGIS components, such as data management component, graphic display component, graphic editing control and attribute data editing control, and thus possesses the functions of graph display and GIS attribute data editing.
Key words:
- GIS /
- component /
- component GIS /
- secondary development of GIS
表 1 WINDOWS文件与MAPGIS组件对应关系
Table 1. Correspondence of WINDOWS files and MAPGIS components
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