Design and Realization of Digital Surveying and Mapping of Pocket PC Based on MAPGIS
摘要: 在测量单位, 采用电子手簿进行野外测量是非常普遍的.但是电子手簿有个缺点就是只能记录点, 无法查看所测图形.随着硬件的发展, 使用掌上电脑, 开发掌上电子平板, 以其方便、灵活、图形可视性好、功能强大等优点可以取代传统的电子手簿.基于WINDOWSCE操作系统和MAPGIS平台, 根据界面图形化、格式标准化、图形可视化等原则, 设计了一个完整的集计算、采集、管理于一体的野外现场成图系统.该系统能够记录原始数据、图形以及属性, 能够方便地注记文字; 实现野外现场成图, 无需内业进行编辑.同时, 介绍了数据通讯、UNICODE编码、符号库设计、图形显示、修测等功能, 以及实现方法.Abstract: The electric notebook is often used for field surveying in survey departments. But it only records position coordinates, and cannot display any map surveyed. Now a digital surveying and mapping system of pocked PC can be used for this purpose. This paper discusses the selection of development tools, the general structure, function of the surveying and mapping system. According to the design fundamental of graphical interfaces, a large scale software system of pocket PC is designed with data calculation, collection and management. It can record the primary data, map and attribution of the surveyed object, and can conveniently note text or content. More important, it can look over the actual landform and directly draw maps by the surveyed data without continuing to edit and draw indoors. At the same time, the paper introduces some problem of its realization in development. With the development of pocked PC hardware, a digital surveying and mapping system of pocked PC will be widely used in the map and data updating.
Key words:
- pocked PC /
- digital surveying and mapping /
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