Concept of Digital Land
摘要: 数字国土工程属于国家的基础建设, 涉及内容广泛, 它的目标是通过国土资源的信息化实现资源的合理利用, 进而促进国民经济的可持续性发展; 数字国土工程涉及海量数据的生产、传输、更新等, 需要宽带网络和“3S”集成技术及相关领域理论成果的支持; 数字国土工程的数据多样性决定了必须制定统一的数据库建设标准, 才能实现系统的资源共享; 工程的模型是多维的, 支持国土规划、土地管理、矿产开发决策等, 能够切实保护国土资源; 工程建设必须遵循长期规划与阶段目标统一的原则.Abstract: The project of Digital Land is the infrastructure construction of country and is concerned with many fields. It aims to make good use of the resources by the informatization of the resources so asto the promote the sustainable development of the national economy. As the project thus developed includes big data generating, transformation, and updating, it should be supported by the wide band and 3S integration technique as well as related technical achievements. It is necessary for the multi source data to have the uniform standard of database so that it can achieve the sharing of resources. Accordingly the model set up is multi dimensional and can support land resources planning, land management, mine development and other decision making. At the same time, the project should obey the principle of uniform plan and goal.
Key words:
- Digital Land /
- 3S technology /
- database /
- nervous network /
- spatial data infrastructure
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