Characterization and Preparation of Epoxy Resin/Zeolite Nanocomposite
摘要: 提出了一种用原位插入法制取环氧树脂/沸石纳米复合材料的新方法, 详细探讨了钠化、有机化、环氧树脂插入、固化及制备环氧树脂/沸石纳米复合材料的条件, 在实验的基础上确定了最佳条件, 制成了纳米复合材料, 并用XRD和TEM对其结构进行了表征, 发现纳米复合材料的平均粒径在5 0~ 6 0nm之间, 同时力学性能有明显提高, 可用于高性能的工程塑料和高品质的粘合剂.Abstract: This paper proposes a new method to synthesize the epoxy resin/zeolite nanocomposite. In this method, zeolite was previously treated with sodium nitrate, and organized with ceyltrimethyl ammonium bromide. Epoxy resin was interposed in the cavity of zeolite and polymerized in situ. Then, the polymer mixtures were solidified by pp' diaphenyl methane to prepare for nanocomposite. The synthesis condition such as mixing temperature, mixing time and concentrations are discussed extensively, and the epoxy resin/zeolite nanocomposite was characterized by XRD and TEM. This composite is found to be formed by the nanometer aggregated particles, ranging from 50 to 60 nm in diameter based on the analysis of the TEM image. The epoxy resin/zeolite nanocomposite exhibits dramatic increases in their mechanical properties, which can be used in engineering plastic and high quality adhesive.
Key words:
- nanocomposite /
- zeolite /
- epoxy resin /
- interpose /
- solidify
表 1 温度、浓度、时间对有机化的影响
Table 1. Influence of temperature, concentration and mixing time on zeolite organizing
表 2 不同含量沸石固化后的XRD分析
Table 2. Relation between peaks and organozeolite concentration
表 3 不同的固化温度所需的固化时间
Table 3. Relation between cured temperature and cured time
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