Sol-Gel Synthesis Used to Prepare Nano Fluorescent Powders Y4Al2O9: Eu3+
摘要: 用溶胶-凝胶法(sol gel) 制备了纳米荧光粉Y4Al2 O9: Eu3+, 用X射线粉晶衍射对其进行了物相鉴定, 表明在90 0℃已经得到纯相的Y4Al2 O9产物, 并用透射电镜对其进行形貌和衍射分析, 分析结果证明得到的产物为纳米粉末态晶体, 产物Y4Al2 O9: Eu3+粒径均匀, 大致在2 0~ 5 0nm之间, 平均粒径为30nm.并用荧光光度计对其荧光光谱进行了研究, 光谱表明Eu3+在Y4Al2 O9晶格中占据两种不同的位置.用λ =2 5 4nm的紫外光激发Y4Al2 O9: Eu3+时, 产生两条发光谱带, 即由于5D0 →7F1的跃迁产生在峰值λ =5 90nm处的橙色发光带, 和5D0→7F2跃迁在峰值λ =6 10nm处的红色发光带.Abstract: Nano fluorescent powder of Y4Al2 O9: Eu3+ is synthesized by sol gel method. The XRD shows that the production prepared at 900 ℃ is pure phase Y4Al2 O9: Eu3+. Y4Al2 O9 powder is a nano crystal testified by BF and ED analyses of TEM. The grain diameter of Y4Al2 O9 ranges from 20 to 50 nm, averaged at 30 nm. The luminescent spectra show that Eu3+ ions occupy two kinds of sites in Y4Al2 O9 crystal lattice, one in the strict inversion center, and the other in off lying inversion center. When excited with UV light (λ =254 nm), Y4Al2 O9: Eu3+ exhibits the orange emission band at λ =590 nm due to the 5D0→ 7F1 transition and the red emission band at λ =610 nm due to the 5D0→ 7F2 transition.
Key words:
- rare earth /
- sol gel method /
- nano /
- fluorescent powder /
- synthesis /
- luminescence
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