Characteristics of Oil Reservoir of Low-Mature Oil in Gunan Sag, Jiyang Depression
摘要: 孤南洼陷具有丰富的低熟油资源.低熟油中的生物标志物以高伽玛蜡烷含量、植烷优势、低成熟度为特征.下第三系沙一段是低熟油的源岩, 其岩性为富含藻类有机质的油页岩、油泥岩.低熟油在平面上环生烃洼陷分布, 剖面上层位集中在沙二—沙一段.断层控制了低熟油的运移距离和聚集层位.低熟油的成藏模式有3种, 即自源侧向运移聚集成藏、自源断层垂向运聚成藏和混合运聚成藏模式.孤南洼陷低熟油在盆地内部以侧向运移、侧向充注入岩性-断块圈闭为主, 形成单源油藏.在断裂带原油是以垂向运移及垂向充注断块圈闭为主, 形成混源油藏.Abstract: There is rich resources of low mature oil in Gunan sag, Jiyang depression. The low mature oil is characterized by high content of gammacerane, predominance of phytane and low maturity. The oil shale and oil mudstone with abundant algal matter in the first member of Shahejie Formation of Lower Tertiary is considered as the source rock of the low mature oil. The oil is distributed around the source area and concentrated in the first and second members of Shahejie Formation. The fault controls the migration distance and reservoir beds. There are three reservoir models: self sourced and lateral migration, self sourced and vertical migration through fault, as well as hybrid migration. The lateral migration and charge into lithologic faulted block trap led to the single sourced accumulation inside Gunan basin, while vertical migration and charge into faulted trap caused hybrid sourced accumulation in the marginal faulted zone of the basin.
Key words:
- low mature oil /
- accumulation model /
- migration /
- charge /
- Gunan sag
表 1 孤南洼陷各层组原油主要性质参数
Table 1. Main properties of crude oils from producing layers in Gunan sag
表 2 孤南洼陷河滩油田各层组原油主要性质参数
Table 2. Main properties of crude oils from layers in Hetan oil field in Gunan sag
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