Geo-Data Sharing and Data-Grid
摘要: 网格思想起源于2 0世纪60年代, 近十年来, 基于计算机技术及其相关学科的迅猛发展, 网格技术的研究进入了一个超速发展时期.相应地, 地球信息科学也因计算机和遥感技术而产生了革命性的进展, 每天获得的数以Tb、Pb的地学数据得不到有效利用的问题日益困扰广大地学工作者.将网格技术引入地学数据存储和共享系统将有助于解决这一难题.Abstract: The conception of grid started in 1960's. Due to the rapid development of computer technology-based academic disciplines for the past ten years, the research into the grid technology has entered into an excessively fast-speed period. In addition, the global information science has already experienced many revolutionary changes with the advancement of the computer and remote-sensing technology. Today, the insufficient use of the thousands of Tb or Pb geo-data acquired daily has troubled many earth scientists. However, this trouble can be easily shot by the introduction of grid technology to the geo-data storing and sharing system.
Key words:
- data sharing /
- grid computing /
- data grid /
- earth information science
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