Results of Physical Experiment on Petroleum Migration in Water Saturated Fractured Media and Their Geological Significance
摘要: 利用2套裂缝网络模型进行了一系列石油在饱水裂缝介质中运移的物理模拟实验, 从石油运移角度研究不同网络拓扑结构、不同缝宽、不同原油粘度等因素对石油运移的影响.通过实验结果分析发现, 在裂缝宽度不同的多裂缝体系的石油运移过程中, 宽度大的裂缝方向控制着石油运移的方向和原油在裂缝介质中的分布.同时发现, 当流体势降低方向(驱替方向) 与宽缝方向一致时, 运移速度、运移量与粘度的大小尚能呈现出一定的关系: 油的粘度越小, 运移速度越快, 运移量越大, 反之亦然.但当流体势降低方向(驱替方向) 与宽缝方向垂直时, 变化趋于复杂.根据物理模拟实验的结果, 指出在油气成藏研究和油气分布预测中, 油气运移高峰期的古流体势分布和古应力场分布研究的配合, 是判断油气运移方向、确定有利聚集区带的关键.Abstract: A series of physical experiments on petroleum migration in water saturated fractured media are performed by using two designed models. The objective of the experiments is to study the influences of fracture topography, fracture width and oil viscosity in oil migration. The experiment results demonstrate that the direction of fractures with the greatest width controls mainly the migration direction and distribution of oil in fractured media. It is also found that when the decreasing direction of fluid potential is parallel to the direction of fractures with the greatest width, migration velocity and migration quantity increase with the decrease of oil viscosity. But the relationships among migration velocity, migration quantity and oil viscosity are more complex when the decreasing direction of fluid potential is perpendicular to the direction of fractures. The results clarify that it is essential to study the combined effect of paleo-stress and paleo-potential distributions in identifying the direction of oil migration and accumulation.
Key words:
- fractured media /
- oil migration /
- physical model /
- oil displacing water process
表 1 各裂缝组中无因次含油量
Table 1. Dimensionless oil quantities in different fracture systems
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