Fault Controlling Hydrocarbon Theory and Petroleum Exploration Practice
摘要: 断裂控烃理论认为, 断裂是叠合含油气盆地控制油气生运聚散和分布的根本原因; 断裂与油气藏的关系是枝与果、藤与瓜的关系; 科学的勘探思路是以断裂为基本线索, “沿枝(断裂) 摘果(油气藏), 顺藤(断裂) 摸瓜(油气藏) ”.运用断裂控烃理论研究表明, 北塘凹陷塘沽潜山油源断裂发育, 潜山油气藏成藏条件良好, 值得重视; 柴达木盆地的腹地控烃断裂发育, 资源潜力巨大, 具备形成大型、特大型油气藏的地质条件, 为油气勘探大转移提供了依据; 断裂控烃理论为HNFS凹陷找到了主力生排烃洼陷, 开辟了新的油气勘探领域.Abstract: It is believed by the fault controlling hydrocarbon theory that fault is the basic reason controlling hydrocarbon generation, migration, accumulation, scattering and distribution and that relationship between faults and hydrocarbon accumulations is the relationship between branches and fruits or cane and melon, and scientific exploration train of thought must "fetch fruits (hydrocarbon accumulations) along branches (faults) " or "probe into melons (hydrocarbon accumulations) according to canes (faults) ". Researches indicate that according to "fault controlling hydrocarbon theory", there are better petroleum accumulation conditions in buried hills because of existing transporting hydrocarbon faults in Tanggu buried hill of Beitang depression. While there are very obvious features of fault controlling hydrocarbon in Qaidam basin and also evident laws of fault controlling hydrocarbon generating, migrating, accumulating, scattering and distributing, the controlling hydrocarbon faults are very active and there is huge petroleum resource potential in the middle region of the basin. It is discovered that the geological conditions are advantageous for the huge hydrocarbon accumulations there. Therefore, the middle region of the basin is the most important exploration belts where the petroleum exploration will possibly make a great breakthrough. In HNFS depression, the "fault controlling hydrocarbon theory" helps us to find the main generating hydrocarbon sag, thus opening up a new petroleum exploration district.
Key words:
- fault controlling hydrocarbon theory /
- petroleum exploration /
- practice /
- Tanggu /
- Qianshan /
- Qaidam basin
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