Kerogen Pyrolysis Kinetics Simulating Experiment Used to Study Low Paleozoic Paleotemperature in Tarim Basin
摘要: 通过热解动力学模拟实验, 对塔里木盆地塔参1井奥陶系干酪根的热演化过程进行了模拟, 在此基础上利用KINETICS软件求取干酪根镜质体反射率(Ro) 的生成动力学参数, 并结合塔参1井的沉积埋藏史, 计算塔参1井寒武—奥陶系的古地温, 这对于研究塔里木盆地下古生界高过成熟烃源岩的古地温是一种新方法.Abstract: This paper simulates thermal evolution of Ordovician kerogen selected from well Tacan 1 in Tarim basin by pyrolysis kinetics simulating experiment. Based on the experiment, this research calculates kinetic parameters of kerogen vitrinite reflectance (Ro) through KINETICS software, and then calculates Cambrian-Ordovician paleotemperature of the well Tacan 1 combined with burial history. Kerogen pyrolysis kinetics simulating experiment is a new method to study the paleotemperature of Low Paleozoic over-high maturity source rocks in Tarim basin.
Key words:
- kerogen /
- pyrolysis kinetics /
- simulating experiment /
- paleotemperature /
- Tarim basin
表 1 每个热解温度点干酪根的实测镜质体反射率(Ro)
Table 1. Vitrinite reflectance (Ro) of each heating temperature point
表 2 塔参1井寒武-奥陶系经受的最高古地温
Table 2. The highest paleotemperature of Cambrian-Ordovician system in well Tacan 1
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