Research on Spatial Pattern and Temporal-Spatial Migration Model of Strong Earthquakes in China and Its Adjacent Areas
摘要: 介绍了中国及邻区地震目录数据库的开发状况, 从历史强震、近代强震及强震震源深度等几个方面, 结合我国及邻区板块构造以及应力状态、壳幔结构的东西部差异对我国强震的空间格局进行了较为系统的分析.公元190 0年以前我国华北地区的强震呈现出大梯形格局, 而公元190 0年之后我国强震则以西部的巨大扇形为主要特征, 其中震源深度最深的区域分别位于大扇形的2个顶点处, 即兴都库什—帕米尔以及缅印交界地区.就我国强震所特有的空间分布格局对我国强震的线性以及区域性迁移模式进行了总结和分析, 其中线性迁移模式又可细分为前进跳跃式和钟摆式.对文中涉及的强震迁移机制分别利用断层破裂、弹簧-滑块、壳幔的结构性差异以及它们之间的相对运动等模型进行了初步的解释.Abstract: The development of the seismic database of China and its adjacent areas is introduced in the first part of this paper. Based on the combination of the difference between western and eastern parts of China on plate tectonics, stress state and structure of crust-mantle, the authors analyze the spatial pattern of strong earthquakes from aspects of the whole dataset, historical seismic records, instrumental records and hypocenter depth. It is found that before 1900 DC, North China presented the great trapeziform pattern. After 1900 DC, the west part of China was characterized by the huge sector, with the deepest regions of foci located in the two vertices of the huge sector, namely Xingdukushi-Pamier region and the area along the border of India and Burma. Then, the linear and regional migrating modes are summarized according to the spatial pattern of strong earthquakes in China. Detailedly, the linear migration can be subdivided into two modes, straight jumping and pendulum. The mechanisms of all types of migrating modes are briefly discussed based on the models of fault fracture, spring-block, structural difference between crust and mantle and their relative movement as well.
Key words:
- strong earthquake /
- spatial pattern /
- temporal-spatial migration
图 2 公元1900—2000年强震的空间分布(Ms≥5, 底图同图 1)
Fig. 2. Epicentral distribution of the strong earthquakes in China and its adjacent areas during 1900-2000 DC
图 3 中国大陆强震的震深分布(Ms≥5, 底图同图 1)
Fig. 3. Distribution of focus depth of strong earthquakes within China mainland
图 4 日本及日本海强震震源深度的分布(Ms≥5, 底图同图 1)
Fig. 4. Distribution of focus depth of strong earthquakes in Japan and Japanese Sea
图 6 南北地震带中、南段强震的迁移(Ms≥ 7.5, 底图同图 5)
a.公元1500年以来南北地震带南段强震(Ms≥7.5) 的迁移; b.公元1650年以来南北地震带中段—鄂尔多斯地台西缘强震(Ms≥7.5) 的迁移
Fig. 6. Migration of strong earthquakes in south part of seismic belt in north-south direction since 1500 (a) and migration of strong earthquakes in central part of seismic belt in north-south direction and western edge of Ordos plate since 1650 (b)
图 7 公元1550年以来华北地区强震的区域性迁移(底图同图 5)
Fig. 7. Fig. 7 Regional migration of strong earthquakes in North China since 1550
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