Distribution of Latest-Ordovician Shell Fauna in Yangtze Basin and Its Paleogeographic Significance
摘要: 通过奥陶纪末扬子海盆介壳动物群生态组合的划分, 并结合介壳动物群产出的岩性特征的研究, 分析了当时海盆内部的沉积分异特点: 扬子海盆中部, 水体相对较深, 为浅海较深水盆地, 指示的生态域 > BA4- 5;到海盆东部水体逐渐变浅, 生态域以BA4- 5为主; 海盆西部水体变得更浅, 生态域以 < BA3为主.此外, 将海盆划分为中部浅海深水黑色硅质页岩盆地、东、西部浅海碎屑岩和浅海碳酸岩-碎屑岩沉积盆地.从南往北, 进一步对以上3个沉积区进行了水体深浅变化的探讨, 并且认为: 海盆中部, 由西南往东北方向, 水体逐渐变深, 沉积中心位于湖北、湘中及湘北部分地区(桃园—安化一带); 海盆西部和东部, 从南往北, 水体均由浅变深(在海盆西部, 黔北生态域 < BA3, 川中至川东 < BA3, 川北和陕南为BA4;在海盆东部, 浙江桐庐、常山一带 < BA3, 安徽泾县和南京等地≥BA4- 5).此外, 根据生物群和岩性的空间变化, 认为扬子海盆以北面临大洋或洋盆.Abstract: This paper analyzes both from the ecozone divisions of shell fauna including Kinnella-Plectothyrella zone (< BA3), Draborthis-Toxorthis zone (BA3-4) and Paromalomena-Aegiromena zone (BA4-5) or some other elements (indicating ecospheres of < BA3 or > BA4-5), and from the combination of the lithology of rock containing these shell faunas, sedimentary, the differentiation features inside the Yangtze ocean basin that could be divided into central deep-water basin with black siliceous shale (> BA4-5), eastern neritic clastic basin (mainly in BA4-5) and western neritic carbonate rock-clastic rock (mainly in < BA3) parts. This paper also probes the changes of water-depth from south to north in the above-mentioned parts of the Yangtze basin. In the central basin, from south to north, the Yangtze basin became deeper and deeper, indicating that, in the south it is deeper from BA4-5 and in the north, much deeper from BA4-5, with the depositional center located in Hubei and the middle of Hunan. In the western basin, from south to north, the Yangtze basin became deeper, that is, in the northern Guizhou and eastern Sichuan, the corresponding ecozone was located in < BA3, and in the northern Sichuan and southern part of Shaanxi, the ecozone is located in BA4. In the eastern basin, from south to north, the Yangtze basin also became deeper and deeper, for example, in Tonglu and Changshan, the corresponding ecozone is located in < BA3, while in Jingxian and Nanjing, it is located in ≥BA4-5.
Key words:
- shell fauna /
- latest Ordovician /
- Yangtze basin
图 1 扬子海盆奥陶纪末介壳生物组合的分布与古水深
古陆分布主要根据穆恩之等[1]和戎嘉余等[2], (D-T) - (P-A).古水深介于D-T组合和P-A组合生活的水深之间; < < < .古水深远小于组合产出的水深; D-T.D-T组合分布区; P-A.P-A组合分布区; K-P.K-P组合分布区; > > P-A.古水深大于组合产出的水深; < K-P.古水深小于组合产出的水深; > > > P-A.古水深远大于组合产出的水深
Fig. 1. Distribution of shell assemblages of the latest Ordovician in the Yangtze basin and paleowater depth
表 1 腕足分类与个体大小
Table 1. Brachiopod system and individual size
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