Three-Dimensional Discrete Fracture Network Model and Its Inverse Method
摘要: 通过拟合实测的二维裂隙编录图和钻孔裂隙编录图, 优化裂隙三维大小和密度参数, 使模型能够准确再现野外所观测到的实际现象, 包括开挖面和钻孔上不同裂隙的数量、密度和长度.通过计算实例验证了方法的可行性.Abstract: This paper presents and investigates an inverse method to simulate three-dimensional discrete fracture network of rock masses. The guiding principle of this method is to optimize the model to produce the same results as those from the filed observations, including the number and size of fractures, which is actualized through fitting the simulated fractures to the mapped fractures on outcrops and bore-holes. An illustrated example is presented to demonstrate the method.
Key words:
- fracture network /
- inverse method /
- model
表 1 开挖面和钻孔上实测裂隙数、裂隙方向和裂隙迹线长
Table 1. Numbers, directions and trace lengths of measured fractures on outcrops and bore-holes
表 2 开挖面和钻孔上的模拟裂隙数、迹线长、优化参数和三维密度
Table 2. Numbers, trace lengths, optimized parameters and three dimension densities of simulated fractures on outcrops and bore-holes
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