Early Paleozoic Volcanism in Nuomuhongguole Area, East Kunlun Orogenic Belt
摘要: 对东昆仑造山带哈拉郭勒地区海德乌拉山一带的火山岩进行了较系统的岩石学、地球化学研究.在实测剖面研究、同位素年代学及区域地层对比的基础上, 把该套火山岩厘定为早侏罗世火山岩.火山岩岩石组合主要为基性和酸性熔岩, 成分上具典型的裂谷"双峰式"特征, 缺乏中性岩石, 基性火山岩碱性程度较高, 酸性火山岩主要为钙碱性岩石, 其形成的构造环境为俯冲过程中在岛弧靠近大陆一侧弧后拉张形成的陆内裂谷的构造环境.Abstract: This article studies systematically the petrology and geochemistry of the volcanic rocks of Haidewula area, east Kunlun orogenic belt, Qinghai Province. Based on the section, isotopic dating and regional strata contrasting, it has determined that this suit of volcanic rocks should be Early Jurassic. These volcanic rocks are mainly basic and acid, showing typical "Bi-model" character of rifting, but lacking in intermediate rocks. The basic rocks have a higher alkali degree, while the acid rocks mainly belong to calc series. The volcanic rocks are formed in the rift tectonic environment, split from inner continent among the post orogeny.
Key words:
- east Kunlun orogenic belt /
- Early Jurassic /
- rift /
- volcanic rock
图 1 早侏罗世火山岩分布
Qp3pal.晚更新世洪冲积; Qp1l-al.早更新世河潮积; Ent.古近纪沱沱河组; J1y.早侏罗世羊曲组; J1.早侏罗世火山岩; T3b.晚三叠世八宝山组; T1H.早三叠世洪水川群; CPh.晚石炭世—早二叠世浩特洛哇组; d (Pz1N).早古生代纳赤台群变碎屑岩岩片; Pt2l.中元古代狼牙山组; Pt1B.古元古代白沙河岩群; 1.早三叠世二长花岗岩; 2.早三叠世钾长花岗岩; 3.晚石炭世二长花岗岩; 4.晚石炭世花岗岩; 5.晚奥陶世石英闪长岩; 6.断层; 7.地质界线; 8.实测剖面线及剖面号
Fig. 1. Sketch distribution map of Early Jurassic volcanic rocks
表 1 早侏罗世火山岩化学分析结果
Table 1. Chemical analysis results of Early Jurassic volcanic rocks
表 2 早侏罗世火山岩稀土元素分析结果
Table 2. Analysis results of REE of Early Jurassic volcanic rocks
表 3 早侏罗世火山岩微量元素分析结果
Table 3. Trace elements analysis results of Early Jurassic volcanic rocks
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