Preliminary Study on Ancient Human DNA from Yangshao Culture
摘要: 近20年来, 古DNA研究技术和方法已迅猛发展.目前从古人类残骸中获取DNA序列, 进而讨论人类的演化、亲缘关系和迁移成为分子人类学的一个重要方向.本研究对采自陕西临潼仰韶文化6 000多年前的姜寨遗址第一期和第二期文化层中的古人类残骸进行古DNA提取、扩增和测序, 获得了169 bp的线粒体高变控制区Ⅰ的古DNA片段, 与现代西安人同源性序列有2个位点的突变.另外, 通过在不同实验室进行重复性实验和系统发育分析等方法详细地论证了所获得的DNA序列的可靠性.在所研究的6个姜寨遗址样品中有3个样品获得古DNA序列, 古DNA的提取成功率为50%, 高于一般的古DNA研究材料的提取率, 说明姜寨遗址的人类残骸是研究古DNA的理想材料, 为今后从分子水平上研究姜寨遗址及其他同地区仰韶文化遗址的古人类墓葬及中国古人类分子演化关系奠定了基础.Abstract: During recent 20 years, the field of ancient DNA research has experienced a rapid development. Authentic DNA sequences from ancient human remains have provided very important information on human evolution, blood relationship and migration, making ancient DNA research an important field of molecular anthropology. This study illustrates ancient DNA extraction, amplification and sequencing of 6 000-year-B.P. Yangshao Culture ancient human remains collected from first and second phase culture beds at Jiangzhai Site, Lintong, Shaanxi Province. Three 169 bp fragments from the hypervariable region Ⅰ in the mitochondrial genome have been obtained and authenticated. These ancient DNA sequences carry two point mutations in comparison with homologeous sequence of the modern Xi'an people's. Moreover, the authenticity of the ancient DNA sequence was obtained through the replication experiments in two different laboratories in China University of Geosciences and Zhongshan University as well as phylogenetic analysis. Among the 6 samples from the Jiangzhai Site, three of them yielded authenticated ancient DNA sequence. The 50% success ratio is higher than that of general ancient DNA research materials previously reported in the literature, indicating the potential for further ancient DNA studies on human remains of Yangshao Culture for the purpose of blood relationship among different archaeological sites and human evolution.
Key words:
- archaeology /
- Yangshao Culture /
- Jiangzhai Site /
- ancient DNA /
- authenticity analysis
图 2 姜寨人线粒体D-环区高变区Ⅰ DNA片段的对位排列分析
点号代表与姜寨人相同的位点; 短线代表缺失位点, 位点数字是根据人类线粒体系统编排; Yangshao.姜寨人(本研究); Taiwan.台湾兰屿岛雅美族土著人种(基因库编号: AJ512135.1);Mongolia.现代蒙古人(HSU33399) (Kolman et al., 1996); Xianwang.现代西安人(AB048131.1) (Oota et al., 2002); Somalia.现代非洲索马里人(U94161) (Watson et al., 1996); Slovakia.现代东欧斯洛伐克人(AJ240288);Israel.现代以色列人(AF258446) (Macaulay et al., 1999); Indian.现代印度人(AJ234979);Neandertal.尼安德特人(AF011222) (Krings et al., 1997); Chimpanzee.非洲黑猩猩(AF176755) (Goldberg and Ruvolo, 1997)
Fig. 2. Sequence alignment of hypervariable region Ⅰ DNA sequences in mitochondrial D-loop region of Jiangzhai people
图 3 用简约法构建的姜寨人线粒体D-环区高变区Ⅰ的系统树(数字代表自展支持率, 其余代号同图 2)
Fig. 3. Phylogenetic tree based on hypervariable region Ⅰ DNA sequences in mitochondrial D-loop region of Jiangzhai people using maximum parsimony with exhaustive search
表 1 样本采集及实验结果
Table 1. Sampling description and experimental results
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