Carbon Isotopic Composition of Organic Matter in Co-Rich Ferromanganese Crust and Its Implication for Paleoceanography
摘要: 富钴结壳组成与生长环境之间的关系研究对这种未来资源的准确评价和合理利用有重要意义.研究了中太平洋海山区富钴结壳中有机碳同位素组成, 探讨了它们的来源和古海洋的指示意义.研究结果表明, δ13Corg值位于-21.86×10-3~-23.99×10-3之间, 表明它们来源于海洋表层浮游生物.富钴结壳中有机物质的碳同位素组成的波动响应海洋环境和全球气候的变化, 可以指示古海洋.Abstract: It is significant to study the relationship between Co-rich crust composition and its growing environmentfor accurate estimate and rational utilization of this future resource. The authors present carbon isotope data of organic matter in Co-rich ferromanganese crust from central Pacific seamount area. The value of δ13Corg ranges from -21.86×10-3 to -23.99×10-3, implying that the organic matter origins from marine organism. The carbon isotopic composition of organic matter fluctuates during the growth of Co-rich crust and responds to marine environment and global climate change. Hence, it can be a useful proxy for paleoceanography.
表 1 富钴结壳中全碳(TC) 及其同位素组成
Table 1. Total carbon (TC) and its isotope compositions in Co-rich ferromanganese crust
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