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    刘连文 郑洪波 翦知湣

    刘连文, 郑洪波, 翦知湣, 2005. 南海沉积物漫反射光谱反映的220ka以来东亚夏季风变迁. 地球科学, 30(5): 543-549.
    引用本文: 刘连文, 郑洪波, 翦知湣, 2005. 南海沉积物漫反射光谱反映的220ka以来东亚夏季风变迁. 地球科学, 30(5): 543-549.
    LIU Lian-wen, ZHENG Hong-bo, JIAN Zhi-min, 2005. Visible Reflectance Record of South China Sea Sediments during the Past 220 ka and Its Implications for East Asian Monsoon Variation. Earth Science, 30(5): 543-549.
    Citation: LIU Lian-wen, ZHENG Hong-bo, JIAN Zhi-min, 2005. Visible Reflectance Record of South China Sea Sediments during the Past 220 ka and Its Implications for East Asian Monsoon Variation. Earth Science, 30(5): 543-549.



    国家重点基础研究发展规划项目 G2000078501

    国家自然科学项目 90211019

    国家自然科学项目 40303016


      刘连文(1970),男,博士、副教授,从事地球化学和古环境方面的科研、教学工作.E-mail: liulw@nju.edu.cn

    • 中图分类号: P53

    Visible Reflectance Record of South China Sea Sediments during the Past 220 ka and Its Implications for East Asian Monsoon Variation

    • 摘要: 对南海越南岸外“太阳号”95航次17954孔220ka以来的沉积样品进行了漫反射光谱分析, 并从中提取F1和F2两个主因子及亮度和红度等漫反射光谱特征值, 发现漫反射光谱F1值和亮度反映了沉积物中的碳酸盐含量, 而漫反射光谱F2值和红度反映了沉积物中的铁氧化物含量, 后者可用作东亚夏季风的替代性指标.17954孔沉积物的漫反射光谱F2值显示, 倒数第二次冰消期东亚夏季风快速增长时间约在129ka; 本次工作还发现东亚夏季风在两次冰消期前的氧同位素2阶段和6阶段晚期各有一个异常强盛的时期.漫反射分析结果显示东亚夏季风主要受控于太阳辐射强度变化, 并明显地受低纬地区气候的影响.


    • 图  1  南海17954孔位置

      Fig.  1.  Location of core 17954 from South China Sea

      图  2  南海17954孔220 ka来沉积物漫反射特征值与碳酸盐含量及底栖有孔虫(BF) 氧同位素变化

      Fig.  2.  Redness (factor 2), brightness (factor 1), as well as carbonate contents and benthic δ18O record of core 17954 from South China during the last 220 ka. Oxygen isotopic stages are also labeled at right (Jian et al., 2001)

      图  3  漫反射光谱指示的220 ka来东亚夏季风变迁

      图中上部为漫反射光谱值F2和太阳辐射(虚线), 中间为董哥洞氧同位素, 下部为底栖有孔虫(BF) 氧同位素

      Fig.  3.  Comparisons of the factor 2 record (upper) and benthic δ18O record (bottom, Jian et al., 2001) of core 17954 with the stalagmite δ18O record (middle) from Dongge Cave (Yuan et al., 2004). Insolation at 20°N averaged over the months of June, July, and August is shown for comparison (dashed line). Vertical lines show half-height of factor 2 and benthic δ18O respectively during terminations Ⅱ

      图  4  南海17954孔220 ka来漫反射光谱F2值谱分析结果

      Fig.  4.  Spectral patterns of the factor 2 record from core 17954 during the past 220 ka. Numbers on the graph are spectral peaks in ka above the 90% confidence level (dashed line)

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