Evaluating Fault Sealing Using Geochemical Techniques
摘要: 断层的封闭性和连通性研究对于了解断层在油气成藏和石油开发中的影响具有重要的意义.根据断层附近油藏的地球化学特征, 可以研究排烃期断层的封闭性.在涠西南凹陷油田的研究工作中, 通过断层两端油层的化学组成指纹的差异, 证实了断层的存在, 虽然断距较小, 但仍影响了油藏的连通.对欧利坨子地区靠近断层的油藏分析表明, 本区的深大断裂可以作为油气的有效通道, 靠近断层油藏成熟度较高, 且含氮化合物较丰富.本研究提供的2个实例证实地球化学方法用于判断断层的封闭性有着不可替代的优越性.Abstract: The fault sealing and reservoir continuity of different fault blocks is a very important issue for the study of oil filling histories and production. This study primarily considers the geochemical characteristics of petroleum reservoirs near faults, which can provide information about fault sealing in the geological record and hydrocarbons expulsion stage. Two research areas were chosen for the study of fault sealing in petroleum migration and reservoir continuity. One is in Weixinan sag, Beibuwan basin and the other is in Oulituozi region, Liaohe depression, Bohai Gulf basin. In the first locality, by analyzing geochemical chromatographic fingerprints, we found that a fault existed and was a major factor in poor reservoir continuity, although it is a small fault. The Oulituozi region geochemical and geological analysis shows that the oil pool near the fault has relatively high maturity and is abundant in pyrrolic nitrogen compounds. These results prove that the fault played an important role in petroleum migration. The two sites studied illustrate the advantages of geochemical techniques over other methods, in the study of fault sealing.
Key words:
- fault sealing /
- geochemical technique /
- reservoir geochemistry
表 1 涠12-1油田W2Ⅴ和W2Ⅳ油组△Px参数结果
Table 1. Gas chromatographic parameters of the formation groups W2Ⅴ and W2Ⅳ in Weizhou 12-1 oilfield
表 2 利坨子地区原油含氮化合物参数值
Table 2. Parameters for pyrrolic nitrogen compounds in the oils of Oulituozi region
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