Disappearing Mystery of Ancient Pacific Land and Its Relationship with Mesozoic-Cenozoic Intraplate Magmatism in North China Craton
摘要: 回顾了太平洋撞击成因假说的主要内容, 重点围绕太平洋古陆消亡的内外动力学机制进行讨论, 认为P/ T之交发生在太平洋地区的撞击事件撞裂了岩石圈板块, 导致岩石圈下的地幔对流方式发生重大转折.在这种全新的对流方式驱动下, 太平洋古陆板块伴随新生洋壳板块的俯冲和碰撞而逐渐消亡并拼接到环太平洋大陆边缘, 与此同时, 环太平洋构造域开始形成.这种以太平洋构造域为中心的深部构造热体制深刻地影响了环太平洋大陆板块在中新生代的构造岩浆活动.Abstract: This paper reviews the main progress on the impact hypothesis of the Pacific Ocean for the past two decades and discusses the internal and external dynamics mechanism causing disappearance of ancient land of the Pacific Ocean. The impaction event which happened between Permian and Triassic at the Pacific Ocean area resulted in the crash of the Pacific lithospheric plate, and changeed greatly the mode of mantle convection. Under the action driven by the new mantle convection, ancient plate fragments of the Pacific Ocean withered away gradually and coalesced into the adjacent plates around the Pacific Ocean with the collision and subduction of paleo-pacific plate. At the same time, a tectonic system of the surrounding Pacific Ocean began to form. The deep tectonic-thermal regime embracing the surrounding Pacific Ocean tectonic system severely affected the magma activity in the continental plates ajacent Pacific Ocean during Mesozoic and Cenozoic.
图 1 a.全球温度变化, 粗直线为冰川分布; b.火山岩堆积体积; c.生物种属灭绝曲线; d.海水覆盖地表面积; e.沉积建造演化; f.世界各时代煤储量.资料来源据周瑶琪(1986a)
ⓐ.大陆沉积; ⓑ.陆屑沉积; ⓒ.灰岩; ①.下陆屑建造; ②.灰岩建造; ③.上陆屑建造; ④.磨拉石建造
Fig. 1. a.Global temperature variation; b.Volume change of the volcanic deposit; c.Curve of the organism extinction; d.Land area covered by sea; e.Sedimentary formation evolution; f.Coal resources in various periods
图 2 中国及其邻区中、深成岩浆活动分布(周瑶琪, 1986a)
a.海西期; b.印支期; c.早、中燕山期; d.晚燕山—喜山期; 1.大型岩体; 2.中型岩体; 3.小型岩体
Fig. 2. Distribution of mesogenetic and plutonic magmatic activity in China and its adjacent areas
图 3 世界大洋中具有大陆地壳结构海台(阴影区域) 的分布(Ben-Avraham, 1981)
Fig. 3. Distribution of oceanic plateaus (shaded areas) in the world's oceans
图 4 太平洋撞击坑的破裂图解模型
再造阶段的可能年龄: a.230 Ma; b.190 Ma; c.134 Ma; d.96 Ma; e.64 Ma; f.25 Ma; g.0 Ma; 1.Seward Penisula; 2.north slope; 3.Yukon-Tanana; 4.eastern assemblage; 5.Blue Moutains; 6.Golconda and Roberts Mountains; 7.Mojave; 8.Alaska (composite), includes Ruby, Innoko, Nixon Fork, Goodness, Chulitna etc.; 9.Wrangellia, Pingston and Mckinley; 10.Stikine terrane and Tracy Arm; 11.Sonomia; 12.small blocks in the Serrania de Baudo in Columbia; 13.Gorgona Island and the continental shelf off Columbia; 14.Pampean massif; 15.Alaska Peninsula; 16.Chugach; 17.Baja and Vizaino; 18.small blocks in the Sierra Madre del Sur in Mexico; 19.South Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, E1 Salvador and Costa Rica; 20.small blocks in the coastal range of Peru and Chile; 21.Santa Marta Mountain in Columbia; 22.Deseado massif and Patagonian massif; 23.Bowers Ridge and Umnak Plateau; 24.Shatsky Rise; 25.Hess Rise and Meiji Guyot; 26.Hawaiian Ridge; 27.Canton Islands; 28.Lau Ridge and Fiji Plateau; 29.Marcus Ridge, Marshall Islands ans Gilbert Islands; 30.New Hebrides Ridge; 31.Sakhalin Island; 32.Japan Island; 33.Okhotsk massif; 34.Southeastern Kamtchatka and Iles Kouriles; 35.Mariana Island; 36.Euripik Ridge; 37.Caroline Islands; 38.Bougainville Islands; 39.New Zealand, Chatham Rise, Narfolk Ridge, Campbell Plateau and Lord Howe Rise; 40.Taiwan Island; 41.Philippine Islands; 42.Maoke; 43.Northeastern China; 44.Sikhote-Alin Terrane; 45.Macclesfield Bank and Paracel Island; 46.Borneo; 47.Celebes; 48.Sumatra and Java; 49.Northwestern Kamtchatka and Kortaksky; 50.Yamato Rise
Fig. 4. Schematic model of the breakup of Pacific impact crater
图 5 中国东部及邻区三叠纪板块演化模式(周瑶琪, 1986a)
a.前活化期; b.“苏皖运动”阶段; c.早、中三叠世; d.晚三叠世.1.内蒙—准噶尔; 2.阴山北—塔里木北缘; 3.古华北地台; 4.金沙江以东—滇西—龙门东—东秦岭; 5.古东南地台; 6.那丹哈达—东南沿海—台湾—海南岛; 7.大和滩(日本) —南部朝鲜; 8.日本—琉球—菲律宾.①.硅铝层; ②.硅镁层; ③.新生洋壳; ④.软流圈活动方向
Fig. 5. Plate model about the tectonic evolution of the Triassic period in eastern China and its adjacent areas
表 1 P-T界线事件(周瑶琪, 1986a)
Table 1. P-T boundary events
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