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    金庆焕 刘振湖 陈强

    金庆焕, 刘振湖, 陈强, 2004. 万安盆地中部坳陷——一个巨大的富生烃坳陷. 地球科学, 29(5): 525-530.
    引用本文: 金庆焕, 刘振湖, 陈强, 2004. 万安盆地中部坳陷——一个巨大的富生烃坳陷. 地球科学, 29(5): 525-530.
    JIN Qing-huan, LIU Zhen-hu, CHEN Qiang, 2004. The Central Depression of the Wan'an Basin, South China Sea: A Giant Abundant Hydrocarbon-Generating Depression. Earth Science, 29(5): 525-530.
    Citation: JIN Qing-huan, LIU Zhen-hu, CHEN Qiang, 2004. The Central Depression of the Wan'an Basin, South China Sea: A Giant Abundant Hydrocarbon-Generating Depression. Earth Science, 29(5): 525-530.



    国土资源部南沙油气勘查专项 93-517


      金庆焕(1934-), 男, 中国工程院院士, 博士生导师, 教授级高级工程师, 从事海洋地质、石油地质研究工作

    • 中图分类号: P618.13

    The Central Depression of the Wan'an Basin, South China Sea: A Giant Abundant Hydrocarbon-Generating Depression

    • 摘要: 万安盆地位于万安断裂西侧, 是一个大型的走滑拉张盆地.其中部坳陷为富生烃坳陷, 发育有渐新统湖沼相、海湾相泥岩和下中新统浅海相泥岩2套主要烃源岩, 渐新统烃源岩具有良好的生烃潜力, 下中新统烃源岩次之.万安盆地的油气藏主要分布于中部坳陷及其相邻的西北断阶带、北部隆起和中部隆起, 而在北部坳陷、南部坳陷和东部隆起上仅见油气显示.研究表明, 万安盆地这种油气分布特征明显地受中部富生烃坳陷所控制.


    • 图  1  万安盆地断裂分布及构造区划

      1.盆地边界; 2.二级构造单元界线; 3.断裂; 4.剖面线; Ⅰ.北部坳陷; Ⅱ.北部隆起; Ⅲ.中部坳陷; Ⅳ.中部隆起; Ⅴ.南部坳陷; Ⅵ.东部隆起; Ⅶ.东部坳陷; Ⅷ.西北断阶; Ⅸ.西部坳陷; Ⅹ.西南斜坡

      Fig.  1.  Tectonic units and fault distribution of Wan'an basin

      图  2  万安盆地构造剖面

      Fig.  2.  Structural profile of Wan'an basin

      图  3  万安盆地渐新统(T4-T5)沉积相

      Fig.  3.  Oligocene depositional facies of Wan'an basin

      图  4  万安盆地中新统(T31-T4)沉积相

      Fig.  4.  Miocene depositional facies of Wan'an basin

      图  5  万安盆地下中新统炭质泥岩甾萜烷生物标志化合物分布特征(Todd et al., 1997)

      Fig.  5.  Distribution features of biological compound of terpane and sterane in Lower Miocene carbargillite, Wan'an basin

      图  6  万安盆地中部坳陷生油、气强度曲线

      Fig.  6.  Intensity curve of oil and gas-generating in central depression, Wan'an basin

      图  7  万安盆地渐新统—中新统含油气系统分布

      Fig.  7.  Oligocene-Miocene petroleum system of Wan'an basin

      表  1  万安盆地油气藏纵向分布特征

      Table  1.   Characteristics of vertical oil-gas reservoirs distribution in Wan'an basin

      表  2  万安盆地油气横向分布

      Table  2.   Characteristics of horizontal oil-gas reservoirs distribution in Wan'an basin

    • Jin, Q.H., Liu, B.M., 1997. Characteristics of oil-gas distribution in the Wan'an basin, South China Sea. Experimental Petroleum Geology, 19(3): 234-239(in Chinese with English abstract).
      Jin, Q.H., Wu, J.M., Xie, Q.Y., et al., 2001. Sedimentary basin analysis and oil-gas resource in west part of South China Sea. China University of Geosciences Press, Wuhan (in Chinese).
      Liu, Z.H., 1995. The research of petroleum pool-forming geological condition in Wan'an basin, South China Sea. Geological Research ofSouth China Sea, (7): 55-66(in Chinese with English abstract).
      Liu, Z.H., 1998. The petroleum system and oil-gas distribution in Wan'an basin, South China Sea. Journal of Changchun University ofScience and Technology, 28: 126-133(in Chinese with English abstract).
      Liu, Z.H., 2000. Characteristics of petroleum charge system in the Wan'an basin in South China Sea. China Offshore Oil and Gas(Geology), 14(5): 339-344(in Chinese with English abstract).
      Liu, Z.H., Liu, B.M., Chen, Q., 1996. The primary research of thermal history of the Wan'an basin in South China Sea. China Offshore Oil and Gas(Geology), 10(6): 364-370(in Chinese with English abstract).
      Liu, Z.H., Wu, J.M., 1997. The petroleum geology of the Wan'an basin, South China Sea. China Offshore Oil and Gas(Geology), 11(3): 153-160(in Chinese with English abstract).
      Todd, S.P., Dunn, M.E., Barwise, A.J.G., et al., 1997. Characterizing petroleum charge systems in the Tertiary of SE Asia. In: Fraser, A.J., Matthews, S.J., Murphy, R. W., eds., Petroleum geology of Southeast Asia. Geological Society Special Publication, 126: 25-47.
      金庆焕, 刘宝明, 1997. 南沙万安盆地油气分布特征. 石油实验地质, 19(3): 234-239. https://www.cnki.com.cn/Article/CJFDTOTAL-SYSD199703007.htm
      金庆焕, 吴进民, 谢秋元, 等, 2001. 南沙西部海域沉积盆地分析与油气资源. 武汉: 中国地质大学出版社.
      刘振湖, 1995. 万安盆地油气成藏地质条件的研究. 南海地质研究, (7): 55-66. https://www.cnki.com.cn/Article/CJFDTOTAL-NHDZ199500004.htm
      刘振湖, 1998. 南海万安盆地含油气系统及其油气分布. 长春科技大学学报, 28: 126-133.
      刘振湖, 2000. 南海万安盆地油气充载系统特征. 中国海上油气(地质), 14(5): 339-344. https://www.cnki.com.cn/Article/CJFDTOTAL-ZHSD200005007.htm
      刘振湖, 刘宝明, 陈强, 1996. 南海万安盆地热演化史的初步研究. 中国海上油气(地质), 10(6): 364-370. https://www.cnki.com.cn/Article/CJFDTOTAL-ZHSD199606004.htm
      刘振湖, 吴进民, 1997. 南海万安盆地油气地质特征. 中国海上油气(地质), 11(3): 153-160. https://www.cnki.com.cn/Article/CJFDTOTAL-ZHSD199703000.htm
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