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    姜振学 庞雄奇 金之钧 关德范 李玉喜

    姜振学, 庞雄奇, 金之钧, 关德范, 李玉喜, 2004. 地层抬升过程中的砂体回弹作用及其油气成藏效应. 地球科学, 29(4): 420-426.
    引用本文: 姜振学, 庞雄奇, 金之钧, 关德范, 李玉喜, 2004. 地层抬升过程中的砂体回弹作用及其油气成藏效应. 地球科学, 29(4): 420-426.
    JIANG Zhen-xue, PANG Xiong-qi, JIN Zhi-jun, GUAN De-fan, LI Yu-xi, 2004. Relationship between Pore Variation of Reservoir and Rebounding of Sandstone during Uplift and Its Application to the Daqing Oilfield. Earth Science, 29(4): 420-426.
    Citation: JIANG Zhen-xue, PANG Xiong-qi, JIN Zhi-jun, GUAN De-fan, LI Yu-xi, 2004. Relationship between Pore Variation of Reservoir and Rebounding of Sandstone during Uplift and Its Application to the Daqing Oilfield. Earth Science, 29(4): 420-426.



    国家重点基础研究发展规划“973”项目 G1999043310

    国家“九五”科技攻关项目 960007-07

    国家自然科学基金项目 40372071


      姜振学(1963-), 男, 副教授, 主要从事油气藏形成与分布规律、盆地分析与油气资源评价研究.E-mail: jiangzx@bjpeu.edu.cn

    • 中图分类号: P618.13

    Relationship between Pore Variation of Reservoir and Rebounding of Sandstone during Uplift and Its Application to the Daqing Oilfield

    • 摘要: 地层抬升是盆地构造运动的主要表现形式之一, 以往多强调其对油气藏的破坏作用, 而忽略了其对油气成藏贡献的研究.通过对不同粒级砂体在不同温度、压力条件下回弹量实验模拟, 建立了其在地层抬升过程中不同地质条件下砂体回弹量模板; 以大庆长垣为典型解剖实例, 结合地层埋藏史、油气生排烃史研究, 进而建立地层抬升造成的减压增容效应与油气成藏的定量关系模型, 定量评估出大庆长垣地层抬升造成的砂体回弹效应对油气成藏贡献是13.43%~40.46%.对油气成藏机理进行了新的探讨, 可为油气资源分布预测研究提供更科学的依据.


    • 图  1  砂岩受压回弹实验装置

      Fig.  1.  Experiment installation of sandstone rebounding

      图  2  细砂岩(a)和粉砂岩(b)砂体回弹系数理论

      Fig.  2.  Theoretical chart of fine sand(a) and silt(b)rebounding coefficient

      图  3  大庆长垣构造位置

      1.一级构造分区域; 2.含油气区; 3.凹陷; 4.阶地; 5.二级构造分区域

      Fig.  3.  Tectonic setting of Daqing placanticline

      图  4  松辽盆地泉头组-姚家组沉积相分区(邱中建和龚再升, 1999)

      a.松辽盆地水进体系域岩相分区; b.松辽盆地高水位体系域岩相分区; c, d.松辽盆地低水位体系域岩相分区

      Fig.  4.  Sedimentary facies of Quantou Formation to Yaojia Formation in Songliao basin(Qiu and Gong, 1999)

      图  5  松辽盆地青二、三段(a)、姚二、三段(b)、姚一段(c)砂岩等厚线(m)

      Fig.  5.  Sand-thickness from the second and third member of the Qingshankou Formation(a), the second and third member of Yaojia Formation(b), the first member of Yaojia Formation(c)in Songliao basin

      图  6  大庆长垣地层埋藏史(据大庆研究院, 1998)

      Fig.  6.  Burial history of Daqing placanticline(after Daqing Research Insititute, 1998)

      表  1  细砂岩样在不同压力、不同加压时间卸压后砂柱回弹量统计

      Table  1.   Sandstone rebounding length statistical table of fine sand after unload pressure in different pressure times and different pressures

      表  2  粉砂岩样在不同压力、不同加压时间卸压后砂柱回弹量统计

      Table  2.   Sandstone rebounding length statistical table of silty sand after unload pressure in different pressure times and different pressures

      表  3  大庆长垣嫩江组沉积末期砂体回弹油气成藏资源量统计

      Table  3.   Amount of hydrocarbon resource by sandstone rebounding at the end of depositional stage of Nenjiang Formation in Daqing placanticline

      表  4  大庆长垣明水组沉积末期砂体回弹油气成藏资源量统计

      Table  4.   Amount of hydrocarbon resource by sandstone rebounding at the end of depositional stage of Mingshui Formation in Daqing placanticline

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