Distributions and Geodynamic Implications of High Field Strength Elements in Rutile from Ultrahigh Pressure Eclogites
摘要: 利用LA-ICP-MS对CCSD-MH超高压榴辉岩中金红石进行了详细的原位微区微量元素组成分析.金红石中高场强元素Nb和Ta含量主要受全岩Nb、Ta和TiO2含量控制, Zr、Hf含量比较稳定基本不受全岩含量影响.粒间金红石中, 同一颗粒金红石核部Zr含量系统高于边部, 而边部则出现了明显的Pb和Sr富集特征.CCSD-MH榴辉岩中金红石与全岩的Nb/Ta比值呈现明显的不一致性.全岩Nb/Ta比值明显低于金红石且与全岩TiO2含量负相关, 而金红石的Nb/Ta比值与全岩Nb、Ta含量和Nb/Ta比值没有明显的相关关系.金红石和全岩之间非完全耦合的Nb/Ta组成表明, 金红石并非形成于原岩的结晶过程中而是在超高压变质作用过程中形成, 尽管金红石是榴辉岩中Nb、Ta含量的主要载体矿物, 但金红石的Nb/Ta比值并不一定能完全代表全岩的特征, 而与全岩Nb、Ta和TiO2的含量有关.粒间金红石核部Zr含量所记录的温度与粒径之间具有明显的正相关性, 反映金红石中的Zr在其形成后没有封闭.粒间金红石所表现出的明显的边部富集Pb和Sr的特征, 反映了后期流体活动对金红石组成的影响.这些研究结果为金红石中Zr在高温下的扩散作用和后期流体活动的影响提供了重要证据, 这可能是利用金红石Zr含量地质温度计计算的苏鲁-大别榴辉岩变质温度(598~827℃) 偏低的主要原因.Abstract: Trace element compositions of rutiles in eclogites from the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling (CCSD) main hole were analyzed using LA-ICP-MS.The results indicate that Nb and Ta contents of rutiles are significantly controlled by whole rock compositions, while Zr and Hf show no obvious dependence on the whole rock compositions.Coupled with enrichments of Pb and Sr at the rim of the interstitial rutiles, Zr contents decrease from the core to the rim.Nb/Ta ratios of rutiles are much higher than those of the parent eclogites.Moreover, Nb/Ta ratios of rutile show no correlation with Nb and Ta concentrations and Nb/Ta ratios of the parent eclogites, while Nb/Ta ratios of eclogites correlate negatively with the TiO2 contents.These observations suggest that rutiles were metamorphic products of the Triassic ultrahigh pressure (UHP) metamorphism, rather than formed by crystallization in equilibrium with melt.The partially decoupling between rutiles and parent eclogites in terms of Nb/Ta ratios implies that although rutiles are the dominant carriers of Nb and Ta in eclogites, they might not completely reflect the Nb/Ta ratios of the parent eclogites, especially for low-Ti eclogites (TiO2 < 0.5%).Nb/Ta ratios of rutiles are dominated by the combination of Nb, Ta and TiO2 contents of the parent eclogites.The positive correlations between temperatures recorded by Zr contents and the size of rutile indicate that Zr in rutile was not immediately closed after rutile formation.On the other hand, the enrichments of Pb and Sr at the rim of the interstitial rutiles suggest influence of subsequent fluids on the compositions of rutiles, which could have affected Zr of the rutiles as well.This study provides the evidence for the Zr diffusion at a high temperature and fluid activity that could have contributed to the lower temperatures (598-827℃) recorded by Zr-in-rutile for the eclogites from the Dabie-Sulu UHP terrane.
Key words:
- eclogite /
- rutile /
- trace element /
- Nb/Ta ratio
图 2 金红石Nb、Ta含量及Nb/Ta比值与全岩Nb、Ta和TiO2含量及Nb/Ta比值的关系(图例同图 1)
相关系数(R) 由各样品平均值计算所获得.图 2a中相关系数计算未包括高Mg榴辉岩SD0019 (该样品金红石中Nb含量极高)
Fig. 2. Plots of Nb and Ta contents and Nb/Ta ratios of rutiles versus Nb, Ta and TiO2contents and Nb/Ta ratios of parenteclogites
图 4 CCSD榴辉岩中金红石温度变化特征
a、b.不同产状金红石Zr含量温度计计算结果.包裹体金红石温度低于粒间金红石温度, 而粒间金红石边部温度低于核部温度; c.利用Zack et al. (2004)温度计获得的粒间金红石核部温度对颗粒直径的变化; d.粒径200μm的金红石在不同温度条件下其中心位置Zr发生扩散所需要的时间及金红石中Zr封闭温度和粒径的关系.温度计算是根据Dodson (1973)的封闭温度公式和Cherniak et al. (2007)金红石中Zr扩散系数进行的, 分别计算了冷却速率为1℃Ma-1 (点线)、10℃Ma-1 (实线) 和100℃Ma-1 (虚线) 条件下的封闭温度
Fig. 4. Temperature variations of rutile in eclogites from CCSD
图 5 榴辉岩和金红石Nb/Ta比值与Nb的变化关系
大别榴辉岩全岩据Chavagnac and Jahn (1996)、Zhai and Cong (1996)、Liou et al. (1997)、Jahn (1998)、刘贻灿等(2000)、吴元保等(2000); 苏鲁榴辉岩全岩据Jahn et al. (1996)、Jahn (1998)、Zhang et al. (2000)、孙景贵和胡受奚(2000)、王大志等(2006).CCSD榴辉岩数据包括本文及张泽明等(2003, 2004)、刘勇胜等(2005)、戚学祥等(2006).原始地幔(PM) 值据Sun and McDonough (1989)
Fig. 5. Nb/Ta ratios versus Nb contents for eclogites and rutiles
图 6 对榴辉岩Nb/Ta比值与TiO2、Nb和Ta含量关系的模拟计算(图例同图 1)
计算中假设榴辉岩由石榴石+绿辉石+金红石组成, 全岩TiO2含量由石榴石+绿辉石中溶解的TiO2和金红石中的TiO2组成.金红石中TiO2含量取为99%, 并以SD006中金红石、石榴石和绿辉石Nb、Ta和TiO2含量平均值代表金红石、石榴石和绿辉石中Nb、Ta和TiO2含量
Fig. 6. Model calculations of Nb/Ta ratios versus TiO2, Nb and Ta contents for eclogites
图 7 含金红石辉长岩分离结晶作用过程中Nb/Ta比值的变化
计算中以大陆溢流玄武岩平均值(Nb=15.1 ppm, Ta=1.07 ppm) 作为原始熔体, 假设结晶辉长岩的矿物组成为60%~55%斜长石+25%单斜辉石+10%斜方辉石+4.5%橄榄石+0%~5%金红石.根据Nb、Ta在斜长石(Dunn and Sen, 1994)、单斜辉石(Hauri et al., 1994)、斜方辉石(Dunn and Sen, 1994)、橄榄石(Ulmer, 1989) 以及金红石(Jenner et al., 1993) 与熔体之间的分配系数, 分别计算了分离结晶程度为30%和70%时全岩和金红石的Nb、Ta含量和Nb/Ta比值.图中虚线代表不同金红石含量(增量为0.5%)
Fig. 7. Nb/Ta variations during fractionation crystallization of rutile-bearing gabbro
图 8 榴辉岩及大洋中脊玄武岩中Zr对TiO2变化关系
大别和苏鲁榴辉岩数据来源同图 5.阴影区域为大洋中脊玄武岩(MORB), 据http://petdb.columbia.petdb/
Fig. 8. Plot of Zr versus TiO2for eclogites and the middle ocean ridge basalts (MORB)
表 1 CCSD-MH榴辉岩全岩主、微量元素组成
Table 1. Major and trace element contents of the CCSD-MH eclogites
表 2 榴辉岩中金红石微量元素的LA-ICP-MS测定结果
Table 2. Trace element compositions of rutiles in eclogites analyzed by LA-ICP-MS
表 3 金红石Zr含量地质温度计计算结果
Table 3. Temperatures calculated by the Zr in rutile thermometer
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