Geochronology and Geochemistry of the Ore-Bearing Porphyries in the Baogutu Area (Western Junggar): Petrogenesis and Their Implications for Tectonics and Cu-Au Mineralization
摘要: 西准噶尔包古图地区的一些小型斑岩体或脉岩与铜金矿化的关系非常密切, 引起了人们的广泛关注.报道了一些斑岩的LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年结果和岩石地球化学成分资料.Ⅱ、Ⅴ岩体的石英闪长斑岩中岩浆结晶锆石的定年结果分别为314.9±1.7Ma和309.9±1.9Ma, Ⅲ岩体的闪长玢岩中岩浆结晶锆石的定年结果为313.9±2.6Ma, 表明包古图地区的岩体形成于晚石炭世.包古图地区小岩体的岩石富Na、高Sr, 贫Y和Yb, 无明显的Eu异常, 具有埃达克岩特征, 同时有些岩石富集MgO (3.93%~4.78%), 具有高的Mg# (68~74), 类似高镁安山岩.结合区域地质和岩浆岩的资料, 认为: (1) 包古图地区的小岩体形成于晚石炭世的岛弧环境, 并可能与石炭纪的洋脊俯冲有关, 其中埃达克质岩为俯冲洋脊两侧的板片熔融而形成, 而高镁闪长岩类为俯冲板片熔体与地幔橄榄岩相互作用的产物; (2) 包古图地区的铜金矿床也很可能与洋脊俯冲有关, 高氧逸度的板片熔体上升并与地幔橄榄岩相互作用, 这使得地幔中的金属硫化物不稳定, 释放出金属成矿物质, 从而使得Cu、Au等在熔体中不断富集而形成矿床.Abstract: The small porphyry plutons or dikes in the Baogutu area, western Junggar, have attracted wide attentions owing to the close association between them and Cu-Au mineralization.This paper presents new LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb age and geochemical data of ore-bearing porphyries in the Baogutu area.The quartz diorite porphyry bodies Ⅱ and Ⅴ and diorite porphyry body Ⅲ have crystallization ages of 314.9±1.7Ma, 309.9±1.9Ma, and 313.9±2.6Ma, respectively, suggesting they were generated in Late Carboniferous.They are characterized by high Na2O/K2O and high Sr values but low Y and Yb contents, and negligible Eu anomalies, similar to adakites.In addition, some samples have high MgO (3.93%-4.78%) and Mg# (47-74) values, similar to high-Mg andesite.Taking into account the data of regional geology and magmatic rocks, we suggest that (1) The Baogutu intrusive rocks were possibly formed in an island-arc setting linking to ocean ridge suduction in Late Carboniferous, the adakitic magmas have likely formed by partial melting of the leading edge of the subducted ridge, and high-Mg diorites possibly originated from the interaction between adakitic melts and mantle peridotite; (2) The Baogutu Cu-Au mineralization might occur above a slab window during ocean ridge suduction, and the interaction between high oxygen fugacity slab melt and mantle peridotite caused the decomposition of metal sulfides and the Cu and Au mineralization.
Key words:
- zircon U-Pb dating /
- adakite /
- high-Mg diorites /
- ridge subduction /
- slab windows /
- West Junggar /
- Central Asian orogenic belt
图 1 中亚造山带地质简图(Jahn et al., 2000) (a) 和西准噶尔地区地质简图(据Buckman and Aitchison, 2004,图 2修改) (b)
1.花岗岩类; 2.蛇绿岩; 3.铜金矿点; 4.克拉玛依地体(石炭纪); 5.库鲁木地地体(中-早石炭世); 6.拉巴地体(奥陶纪); 7.艾比湖-可可萨依地体(晚志留-早奥陶世); 8.玛依拉地体(早-中志留世); 9.托里地体(中-晚泥盆世); 10.二叠世沉积物/火山沉积物; 11.断层; 12.中生代沉积物; ①唐巴勒; ②玛依拉; ③达拉布特; ④克拉玛依
Fig. 1. Geographic map showing Central Asia (modified from Jahn et al., 2000) (a) and regional geological sketch map showing the West Junggar area (modified from Buckman and Aitchison, 2004) (b)
图 2 包古图矿区地质简图(据成勇和张锐, 2006修改)
1.希贝库拉斯组; 2.包古图上亚组; 3.包古图下亚组; 4.太古勒组; 5.岩体; 6.断层; 7.金矿点; 8铜矿点; Ⅰ-Ⅴ为岩体编号
Fig. 2. Regional geological sketch map showing the Baogutu deposit
图 4 TAS (a) 和AFM (b) 图
a图据Middlemost (1994); b图据Irvine and Baragar (1971); 数据来源于表 1、张锐等(2006)、沈远超和金成伟(1993)
Fig. 4. (a) TAS and (b) AFM digrams
图 5 包古图地区斑(玢) 岩稀土元素分布模式(a) 和原始地幔标准化微量元素蜘蛛网(b) (标准化数据据Sun and McDonough, 1989; 阴影部分的数据来源于张连昌(2006))
Fig. 5. (a) The chondrite-normalized rare earth element (REE) patterns and (b) primitive mantle-normalized multi-element plots
图 6 包古图地区斑(玢) 岩Sr/Y-Y图(Defant and Drummond, 1993)
数据来源于表 1, 克拉玛依岩体数据来自于(Chen and Arakawa, 2005)
Fig. 6. Sr/Y-Y diagram
图 7 SiO2-MgO (a) 和SiO2-Mg# (b) 图
数据来源于表 1、张锐等(2006)、沈远超和金成伟(1993), 底图转引自(王强等, 2006b)
Fig. 7. SiO2-MgO (a) and SiO2-Mg# (b) diagrams
图 8 西准噶尔地区花岗岩体的锆石U-Pb年龄直方图
数据除本次研究外还包括Xian et al. (2003)、刘志强等(2005)、高山林等(2006)、韩宝福等(2006)、徐新等(2006)、袁峰等(2006)和Zhou et al. (2006, 2007)
Fig. 8. Age histograms for the grantoids in the West Junggar
表 1 包古图成矿斑(玢) 岩主量(%)、微量(10-6) 元素组成
Table 1. Major element (%) and trace element (10-6) compositions of the Baogutu porphyries (porphyrites)
表 2 包古围成矿(玢)岩锆石LA-ICPMS定年结果
Table 2. Zircon LA-ICPMS dating of porphyries (porphyrite) in the Baogutu
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