Extraction and Integration of Geoanomalies Associated with Mineralization
摘要: 矿床及其周围局部和区域的地质、地球物理和地球化学以及遥感地质等勘查信息构成认识成矿规律和资源潜力评价的基础.矿产资源综合定量评价首先涉及到以建立地质成矿概念模型为基础的地质、地球化学、地球物理以及遥感地质等单学科异常信息的提取与集成, 然后是对多学科异常信息的综合提取与集成, 最后应用综合致矿信息定量圈定找矿靶区, 评价资源潜力.阐述了综合地质异常数字找矿过程中综合致矿地质异常信息提取、信息关联、信息转换和信息集成的基本概念.强调实现“由地质异常体特征到空间地质异常信息模型, 再根据空间异常信息模型推断地质异常体特征”这一信息双向转换的重要意义.结果表明: (1) 综合致矿地质异常概念模型是选择资源评价变量和建立综合地质异常数字找矿模型的基础; (2) 非线性方法技术是提取隐蔽矿化信息的有效手段; (3) 综合致矿地质异常概念模型与数字找矿数学模型的有机结合是实现数字找矿突破的关键; (4) 应用综合致矿异常信息模拟矿产资源潜力的过程实质上是一个信息逐渐提取与集成的过程, 亦是一个空间数据→空间信息→知识决策的过程.
- 综合致矿地质异常 /
- 信息提取与集成 /
- 信息关联与转换 /
- 非线性数学方法 /
- 矿产资源综合定量评价
Abstract: The local and regional anomalies of mineral deposits from geology, geophysics, geochemistry as well as remote sensing image constitute a foundation for recognizing ore-forming regularities and estimating mineral potentials.Quantitatively integrated assessment of mineral resources usually includes three steps: (a) firstly, the extraction and integration of single discipline anomaly; (b) then, extraction and integration of multi-discipline anomalies; (c) finally, the integrated anomalies are used for indentifying ore-finding targets and assessing mineral potentials.In this paper, the basic concepts of extraction, connection, transform, and integration of the geoanomalies with mineralization from geology, geochemistry, and geophysics are elucidated.It emphasizes the significance of the bidirectional information transforms, that is, from characteristics of geoamomalous bodies to a spatial geoanomalous pattern, and from the pattern inferring the significance of a concrete geoanomalous body forming in the similar geological setting.It comes to the conclusions as follows: (a) the conceptual model of geoanomalies associated with mineralization is a foundation for selecting variables and establishing integrated mineral exploration pattern; (b) the nonlinear approach is a powerful tool to extract implicit mineralization information; (c) combination of the conceptual model of anomaly associated with mineralization with the mathematical model of the integrated mineral exploration is a key to discover new mineral deposits; (d) the process that integrated anomalies associated with mineralization are applied to modeling mineral potentials is one that gradually extracts and integrates mineralized information, and is also one that develops from spatial data, to spatial anomaly and to knowledge decision. -
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