Record of Apatite Fission Track of the Differential Uplift in Both Sides of Jiali Fault Belt since Late Cenozoic
摘要: 对嘉黎断裂带两侧的磷灰石裂变径迹年代学测试表明, 断裂带北侧的磷灰石裂变径迹年龄在5.6~1.7Ma之间, 属中新世晚期;断裂带南侧的磷灰石裂变径迹年龄明显较小, 6个样品中有5个样品的磷灰石裂变径迹年龄在4.0~.9Ma之间, 属上新世早期.嘉黎断裂带北侧5.6~1.7Ma期间的隆升速率为0.07~.09mm/a.5.8Ma以来平均剥露速率为0.50mm/a, 平均隆升速率1.33mm/a.断裂带南侧4.7Ma以来平均剥露速率为0.62mm/a, 平均隆升速率1.68mm/a.两侧样品都反映上新世以来有较强烈的隆升作用, 并且南侧比北侧隆升作用更强烈.Abstract: The apatite fission track (AFT) chronology in both sides of Jiali fault belt shows that the AFT age in the north side of the fault belt is 5.6-11.7 Ma which belongs to Late Miocene; and the age of the south side is obviously younger, because the ages of five out of six samples are between 4.0 Ma and 5.9 Ma, belonging to early Pliocene. During 5.6-11.7 Ma, the uplift rate in the north side of Jiali fault belt is 0.07-0.09 mm/a. Since 5.8 Ma, the average denudation rate is 0.50 mm/a, and the average uplift rate is 1.33 mm/a in the north side. While, the average rate of denudation and uplift is 0.62 mm/a and 1.68 mm/a in the south side of Jiali fault belt since 4.7 Ma. The samples collected from both sides of Jiali fault belt reflect the strong uplift since Pliocene, and the south side uplifts more strongly than the north side.
Key words:
- Jiali fault belt /
- late Cenozoic /
- apatite fission track /
- plateau uplift
图 1 研究区大地构造位置与构造单元划分图 (据潘桂棠等, 2001修改;中国地质调查局西南办《青藏高原及其邻区大地构造单元初步划分方案》, 2003)
A.印度陆块;A2.高喜马拉雅山结晶岩带;B.印度河-雅鲁藏布江结合带;C.拉达克-冈底斯-拉萨-腾冲陆块 ;C1.班戈-腾冲燕山晚期岩浆弧带;C2.狮泉河-申扎-嘉黎结合带; C4.隆格尔-工布江达断隆带;C5.罕萨-冈底斯-下察隅晚燕山-喜马拉雅期岩浆弧带 (冈底斯火山-岩 浆弧带) ;D.班公湖-怒江结合带 (含日土、聂荣残余弧、嘉玉桥微陆块) ;E.喀喇昆仑-南羌塘-左贡陆块;E2.南羌塘坳陷带;F.双湖-昌宁结合带;G.塔什库尔干-甜水海-北羌塘陆块;G2.北羌坳陷带;H.乌兰乌拉湖-澜沧江结合带;I.昌都-芒康-思茅陆块:I2.昌都-兰中新生代复合盆地;I3.开心岭-杂多-维登弧火山岩带 (P-T3)
Fig. 1. Geotectonic location and tectonic unit division of study area
图 2 研究区地质图与裂变径迹样品分布
Fig. 2. Distributing map of apatite fission track dating samples and geological map of study area
表 1 磷灰石裂变径迹测定结果
Table 1. Apatite fission track dating results of Jiali fault belt
表 2 磷灰石裂变径迹年龄和剥露速率、隆升速率
Table 2. Apatite fission track ages, denudation rates and uplift rates
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