The Attribution of Altyn Marginal Faults
摘要: 系统研究阿尔金山南缘断裂、西北缘断裂、北缘红柳沟-拉配泉断裂的构造属性, 对重新认识中国大陆西部构造格架具有非常重要的意义.在卫星遥感图像宏观解译和野外调查基础上, 充分参考了近年来的区域地质调查和前人研究成果, 分析了阿尔金山各边界断裂特征, 结果表明南缘断裂形成于元古宙, 早古生代中晚期是一条具有右行走滑性质的巨型陆内转换断层, 中新生代分段差异复活; 西北缘断裂系形成较晚, 中新生代以来发生强烈的左行走滑, 应属于亚洲共轭滑移系的组成部分; 红柳沟-拉配泉断裂属于塔里木地块中央构造带系统, 是一条蛇绿构造混杂带, 早古生代属于陆缘或陆间裂谷.它们三者分属于不同的断裂系统, 具有不同的形成演化史, 其活动形式和构造意义各有不同, 但又相互联系、相互制约.Abstract: The South Altyn marginal fault, northwest Altyn border fault and Hongliugou-Lapeiquan fault in the northern edge of Altyn belong to different fault systems. The south marginal fault was formed in Proterozoic. In mid-late Paleozoic, it was a great intracontinental transform fault of right-lateral slip, and in Mesozoic and Neozoic it was revived in different parts. The northwest fault was formed later. Intense left-lateral slip occurred in Mesozoic-Neozoic and it belongs to the Asian slump fault system. Hongliugou-Lapeiquan fault zone belongs to the central tectonic system of Tarim block. It is an ophiolite complex belt and in early Palaeozoic it was the rift of continental or intercontinental margin. The three faults are different in the evolution history, movement form and tectonic significance, but they are interrelated and affect each other strongly. It is very important to study their tectonic attributions systematically for understanding the west tectonic framework of our country.
Key words:
- Altyn /
- fault structure /
- fault evolvement /
- transform fault /
- conjugate slump fault system.
图 2 阿尔金山及邻区主干断裂与环形构造分布简图
注: 阿尔金西北缘-北山剪切断裂系: 阿尔金西北缘断裂(F1)、米兰-红柳园断裂(F2)、且末-黑尖山断裂(F3)、罗布庄-星星峡断裂(F4); 阿尔金南缘断裂(F5) 与柯岗断裂(F6)、康西瓦断裂(F7)、走廊南山断裂(F8) 复合; 阿尔金北缘断裂带(F9).角图(据崔军文等(2002)修改) : A.阿尔金山; Q.祁连山; L.龙门山; H.喜马拉雅山; T.天山; KK.喀喇昆仑山; WK.西昆仑山; EK.东昆仑山; WQ.西秦岭; (T) 塔里木地块; (A) 阿拉善地块; (Y) 扬子地块; (I) 印度地块; (P) 帕米尔高原; (IR) 伊朗高原; (HM) 喜马拉雅前陆; (QT) 青藏腹地; (AQ) 阿尔金-祁连后陆; ①阿尔金西北缘-北山剪切断裂系; ②阿尔金南缘断裂
Fig. 2. The distribution of the main faults and annulations in Altyn and vicinal region
图 3 阿尔金山地质构造简图(据陈正乐等, 2002, 稍有修改)
1.新生界; 2.中生界; 3.古生界; 4.奥陶系; 5.中、新元古界; 6.古元古界; 7.太古宇; 8.花岗岩; 9.逆冲断层; 10.走滑断层; 11.采样位置. (1) ~ (3) 资料来源: (1) 陈正乐等(2002); (2) 万景林等, 2001; (3) Edward and Nicolas (1999, 2001)
Fig. 3. The geological structure map of Altyn
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