Environmental Evolution of Late Pleistocene Loess Deposits at Lintao County, Gansu Province
摘要: 对甘肃临洮县塔湾乡晚更新世黄土-古土壤序列的粒度、磁化率两个环境代用指标进行综合分析, 可划分出以下7个气候阶段: (1) 距底18.5m (92.478.8ka), 平均粒径24.42μm, 平均磁化率716.8×10-6SI, 年均温度7.8℃, 年均降水量500mm, 气候温暖较湿; (2) 距底8.514.8m (78.865.3ka), 平均粒径26.83μm, 平均磁化率为442.3×10-6SI, 年均温度5.2℃, 年均降水量370mm, 气候温干; (3) 距底14.820.3m (65.357.3ka), 平均粒径25.94μm, 平均磁化率320.7×10-6SI, 年均温度3.5℃, 年均降水量280mm, 气候温干偏凉; (4) 距底20.324.9m (57.347.7ka), 平均粒径25.23μm, 平均磁化率516.4×10-6SI, 年均温度6.0℃, 年均降水量410mm, 气候温干偏湿; (5) 距底24.929.4m (47.740.9ka), 平均粒径25.46μm, 平均磁化率299.4×10-6SI, 年均温度在3.1℃, 年均降水量270mm, 气候温干偏凉; (6) 距底29.434.2m (40.932.4ka), 平均粒径21.46μm, 平均磁化率405.5×10-6SI, 年均温度4.7℃, 年均降水量350mm, 气候温干偏湿; (7) 距底34.239m (32.4ka以后), 平均粒径188.89μm, 平均磁化率381.1×10-6SI, 年均温度4.4℃, 年均降水量330mm, 气候温干.这些环境变迁阶段与区域环境变迁具有较好的可对比性, 其中Ⅰ阶段相当于MIS5温暖期; Ⅱ阶段和Ⅲ阶段相当于MIS4降温期; Ⅳ阶段、Ⅴ阶段和Ⅵ阶段相当于MIS3的气候温暖期; Ⅶ阶段相当于MIS2降温期.但与邻区兰州九洲台和若尔盖RM孔相比, 同时期临夏地区气候明显偏温偏湿.Abstract: According to the comprehensive analysis of granularity and magnetic susceptibility of late Pleistocene loess-paleosol sequence at Tawan, Lintao County, Gansu Province, the climate change in this area can be divided into seven phases. (1) 1-8.5 m above the bottom (92.4-78.8 kaBP) : the average value of particle diameter and magnetic susceptibility was 24.42 μm and 716.8×10-6 SI, and the annual average temperature and precipitation reached to 7.8 ℃ and 500 mm, being the highest of the seven phases, indicating warm and wet climate. (2) 8.5-14.8 m above the bottom (78.8-65.3 kaBP) : the average value of particle diameter and magnetic susceptibility was 26.83 μm and 442.3×10-6 SI, and the annual average of temperature and precipitation was about 5.2 ℃ and 370 mm. The climate was tepid and dry. (3) 14.8-20.3 m above the bottom (65.3-57.3 kaBP) : the mean of particle diameter and magnetic susceptibility was 25.94 μm and 320.7×10-6 SI, and the annual average temperature and precipitation was about 3.5 ℃ and 280 mm. The climate changed to be mild-dry and slightly cool. (4) 20.3-24.9 m above the bottom (57.3-47.7 kaBP) : the average value of particle diameter and magnetic susceptibility was 25.23 μm and 516.4×10-6SI, and the annual average temperature and precipitation reached 6.0 ℃and 410 mm. It was mild-dry and slightly wet. (5) 24.9-29.4 m above the bottom (47.7-40.9 kaBP) : the mean of particle diameter and susceptibility was 25.46 μm and 299.4×10-6 SI, and the annual average temperature and precipitation was 3.1 ℃ and 270 mm. The climate was mild-dry and slightly cool. (6) 29.4-34.2 m above the bottom (40.9-32.4 kaBP) : the average value of particle diameter and susceptibility was 21.46 μm and 405.5×10-6 SI, and the annual average temperature and precipitation was about 4.7 ℃ and 350 mm. It was mild-dry and slightly wet. (7) 34.2-39 m above the bottom (after 32.4 kaBP) : the average value of particle diameter and susceptibility was 188.89 μm and 381.1×10-6 SI, and the annual average temperature and precipitation was about 4.4 ℃ and 330 mm. The climate was warm and dry. There shows a high comparability between these climate changes in the studied area and the regional environmental evolution. PhaseⅠcorresponds to the warm MIS (marine isotope stage) 5; PhaseⅡandⅢ correspond to the cooling MIS4; Phase Ⅳ, Ⅴand Ⅵ correspond to the warm MIS3; Phase Ⅶ corresponds to the cooling MIS2. Compared with adjacent areas, like Jiuzhoutai in Lanzhou Province and core RM in Zoige, the climate is obvious warmer and wetter in Linxia during the same period.
Key words:
- Lintao County, Gansu Province /
- late Pleistocene /
- loess /
- environmental evolution
表 1 甘肃临洮塔湾剖面黄土-古土壤序列粒度分析结果
Table 1. Granularity analysis results of the loess-paleosol sequence at Tawan, Lintao County, Gansu Province
表 2 甘肃临洮塔湾剖面黄土-古土壤序列磁化率测试数据(单位: 10-6SI)
Table 2. Tested data of magnetic susceptibility of loess-paleosol sequence at Tawan, Lintao Conuty, Gansu Province
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