The Analysis of the Tectonics and the Behavior of the Longitudinal Section of Kunlun River in East Kunlun
摘要: 青藏高原东昆仑北部地区新构造活动强烈, 存在一系列活动断层, 控制了该地区的地貌格局和水系的发育.其中大部分活动断层是已经确定下来的, 还有一些活动断层还处在定性推测阶段.引进河流长度-坡度参数(以下简称“SL参数”) 和Hack剖面2个能够有效反映区域新构造活动的地质参数, 对昆仑河纵剖面坡度变化进行详细刻画和研究, 并对昆仑河河流阶地进行空间对比分析.研究结果表明, 昆仑河河流的Hack剖面与SL参数存在形貌上的对应关系, SL参数的突变主要是受断裂构造活动控制; 证实了昆仑河-野牛沟断裂和东昆中断裂第四纪以来存在构造活动性; 第四纪以来强烈的构造差异隆升作用控制了东昆仑地区的地貌水系发育格局, 并将产生更深远的影响.Abstract: There are strong, fresh tectonic processes and a series of active faults in the northern part of East Kunlun in Tibetan plateau, controlling the geomorphology and the water system of this area. Most of the active faults have been confirmed, while some are only presumed qualitatively at present. This paper introduces two kinds of geological factors, the Stream Length-gradient index (SL index) and Hack profile, which can effectively reflect regional tectonics, and particularly describes and studies the gradient change of the longitudinal profile of the Kunlun river and the contrast of river terraces in space in Kunlun area. It shows that there exists a corresponding relationship between Hack profile and SL index of the Kunlun river in shape and the mutation of the SL index is mainly controlled by the action of fault. We have also proved the activity of the Kunlunhe-Yeniugou fault and the central fault of east Kunlun from Quaternary, and believe that strong differentia uplift controls the geomorphologic evolution and river development of east Kunlun and will exert far-reaching influence on them.
图 2 理想的Hack剖面
a.渐变河流的纵剖面; b.渐变河流的半对数图, 即所谓的Hack剖面图, 是一条斜率为k (SL参数) 的直线; c.经过抬升后的河流纵剖面图, 在下游突然变陡处有一个明显的裂点; d.河流抬升后的Hack剖面图; e.Hack剖面曲线可以划分为4个渐变的河段(Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ和Ⅳ), 每个部分都是线性相关的, 它们的SL参数就构成了阶梯状的SL参数曲线(据Chen et al.修改, 2003)
Fig. 2. Conceptual diagram of Hack profiles
图 4 断层引起的渐变河流的变化和调整(据Brookfield, 1998, 修改)
a.渐变河流剖面; b.由于突然的断层位错移至; c.侵蚀-沉积拐点保持常数.实际上, 它会从下游迁移到上游, 在断层附近侵蚀要早于沉积, 连续的剖面1-5反映了河流朝着可能发生的新的平衡剖面演变的趋势
Fig. 4. Change in graded river profile by fault movement and the resulting adjustments
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