摘要: 矿床品位-吨位模型研究属于学科前沿领域, 它是系统勘查理论的重要组成部分.依据1997年全国矿产储量数据库资料, 对全国680个岩金矿床建立了地质模型、品位模型、吨位模型、吨-品位联合模型, 以及中国石英脉型金矿床吨位序列模型.模型类型包括频率直方图、累积频率分布图及双对数坐标表示的理论分布模型.分别总结了我国岩金矿床的品位及吨位分布的典型数学地质特征, 并探讨了吨位序列模型在资源预测评价中的意义和作用.Abstract: The grade-tonnage model of deposits belongs to the pre-area of the subject, the important part of the system exploration theory. The article establishes a geological model, a grade model, tonnage model and a joint model of grade-tonnage for 680 original gold deposits in China and a tonnage sequence model of quartz-vein gold deposits of the whole country, according to "The Mineral Resources Data Base of the Whole Country in 1997". The model types include frequency histogram, cumulative frequency distributing graph and theoretical model with double logarithmic coordinates. The paper sums up separately the typical mathematical geological characteristics of grade-tonnage distribution of original gold deposits in China and discusses significance and function of the tonnage sequence model in the field of mineral resources evaluation.
Key words:
- grade-tonnage model /
- original gold deposit /
- Pareto-Zipf's law /
- tonnage sequence model /
- China
表 1 5个矿床建立的吨位序列模型
Table 1. Tonnage sequence model based on five gold deposits
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