摘要: 矿床的时间谱系是成矿多样性的一种表现形式.以云南澜沧江流域的综合矿种和单一矿种———铅锌矿的矿床时间谱系研究为例, 探讨了应用地理信息系统(GIS)建立矿床时间谱系的途径.成矿广度指数和成矿强度指数是其主要参数, GIS是其工具, 成矿广度和成矿强度曲线是划分矿床时间谱系的依据.指出在建立矿床时间谱系时, 定性的成矿学分析和定量的GIS途径相结合的必要性, 并指出矿床时间谱系与空间谱系的有机联系.Abstract: The time spectrum of mineral deposits shows the diversity of mineralization. Former researchers have studied it by way of ore deposit, geochemistry and statistics on a scale of globe, region and mineral deposits. By studying this spectrum of multiple ore kinds in Lancangjiang River region, Yunnan Province, this paper discusses the methods to establish the time spectrum of mineral deposits of multiple ore kinds and single ore kind — lead-zinc deposits using geographic information system (GIS). The ore-forming scope index and the ore-forming intensity index are the main parameters with the GIS analysis as the tool. While the division of this kind of spectrum is based on the curves of the ore-forming scope and the ore-forming intensity. The authors emphasize the necessity to combine qualitative ore-forming analysis with quantitative GIS methods, and point out the inherent relation between the time spectrum and the spatial spectrum of mineral deposits.
图 1 云南澜沧江流域沉积建造综合成矿时间谱系分析曲线
1.Q; 2.N2; 3.N1; 4.E3; 5.E23; 6.E1; 7.E; 8.K2; 9.K1; 10.J3; 11.J2; 12.J1; 13.T32; 14.T3; 15.T31; 16.T2; 17.T22; 18.T21; 19.T1; 20.P2; 21.P1+2; 22.P; 23.P1; 24.C3; 25.C2+3; 26.C2; 27.C1; 28.C; 29.D3; 30.D2; 31.D1; 32.O1-2; 33.O; 34.m3; 35.m; 36.Pz1; 37.Pt2ch; 38.Pt2ln
Fig. 1. Analyzed curves of multiple ore-forming time spectrum in sedimentary formation in Lancangjiang River region, Yunnan Province
图 2 云南澜沧江流域岩浆岩建造综合成矿时间谱系分析曲线(时代序号见表 2)
Fig. 2. Analyzed curves of multiple ore-forming time spectrum in magma formation in Lancangjiang River region, Yunnan Province
图 3 云南澜沧江流域沉积建造铅锌矿成矿时间谱系分析曲线(时代序号见图 1)
Fig. 3. Analyzed curves of ore-forming time spectrum of lead-zinc deposit in sedimentary formation in Lancangjiang River region, Yunnan Province
表 1 各成矿期沉积建造综合成矿广度指数和强度指数
Table 1. Calculation values of the multiple ore-forming scope index and intensity index of sedimentary formation in each ore-forming period
表 2 各成矿期岩浆岩建造综合成矿广度指数和强度指数
Table 2. Calculation values of the multiple ore-forming scope index and intensity index of each ore-forming period in magmatic formation
表 3 各成矿期沉积建造铅锌成矿广度指数和强度指数
Table 3. Calculation values of the ore-forming scope index and intensity index of lead-zinc deposit of sedimentary formation in each ore-forming period
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