摘要: 随着山区高等级公路建设的飞速发展, 各类边坡工程岩体问题也日益增多.从卸荷岩体力学的基本观点入手, 探讨了边坡工程岩体的变形破坏特性、稳定性评价方法以及开挖设计理论.研究表明, 边坡工程岩体的变形破坏特性完全符合卸荷岩体力学行为, 不同于常规的加载岩体行为; 边坡工程岩体的稳定性分析计算中必须重视水力学因素和卸荷作用的影响, 并得到了有意义的表达式; 边坡工程岩体的开挖设计应在充分认识其工程力学性状的基础上, 针对边坡岩体地质特性, 结合已有各类稳定边坡的资料, 进行既经济又可靠的优化设计.Abstract: With the development of the highway in mountainous areas, the problem of slope engineering rock mass is increasingly manifold in many different ways. For the sake of recognizing the characters of excavation engineering rock mass in nature, the authors, who, based on the unloading rock mass mechanics, discuss the deformation and destruction characters, the methods of stability analysis and the design theories of the slope engineering rock mass. The research results indicate that the characters of deformation and destruction of the slope are not the same as those of the regular loading rock activities, but conforms with those of unloading rock mass mechanical activities. While the stability analysis of slope rock mass emphasizes hydraulics and unloading effect, and some essential expressions are obtained. It is assumed that the excavation design of the slope engineering rock mass will acquire cost efficiency and optimization only if it is worked out based on sufficient recognition of the engineering mechanics with the consideration of the geological characters and all kinds of data available for the stable slopes.
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