摘要: 将胜利油区下第三系发育的粒屑碳酸盐岩划分为鲕粒白云岩、砂屑白云岩、螺屑灰(云) 岩、介屑云岩、杂基充填多粒屑云岩、灰质亮晶粒屑云岩等6种类型.通过分析水波浪在湖岸和高(台) 地周缘对粒屑的搅动和搬迁过程, 以及屏障湖湾和离岸水下隆起两个减能地形的确定, 阐述了粒屑碳酸盐岩的沉积机理.根据粒屑粒径平均值R和粒屑在岩石中的百分含量G所得的经验公式W=RG, 确定了水体能量指数W, 并以此识别本区存在的特高能级区(W > 5 0)、高能级区(W : 2 5~ 5 0)、中能级区(W : 10~ 2 5)、低能级区(W : 1~ 10) 和静水区(W < 1) 5个相带.比较系数(分选系数T) 可以作为波浪能量和沉积区水体能量的一个判别指标.根据粒屑碳酸盐岩的沉积作用和后期再造作用所形成的物性条件, 将此类碳酸盐岩储层划分为原生特高渗透层、次生高渗透层、次生中—低渗透层和原生低渗透层4个类型.Abstract: In this paper, the Paleogene grained carbonate rocks in the Shengli oilfield, east of China are divided into six types: oolitic dolomite, sand-clastic dolomite, gastrapod-clastic limestone or dolomite, ostracod-clastic dolomite, multigrain-filled matrix dolomite and calcareous sparry grain-clastic dolomite. The sedimentary mechanism of grain-clastic carbonate rocks is described herein based on the analysis of the disturbance and transportation process of grained clasts along the coast and around the platform, and on the determination of two types of energy-reducing topography caused by the subaqueous topographic rise in the barrier bay and the off-shore area. An empirical formula: W=RG, where R represents the average diameter of the grained clasts and G represents the percentage content of the grained clasts in the rocks, has been used to determine the W, a water-body energy index. This formula can also be used to identify five facies zones in this region: the super-high energy grade (W > 50), high energy grade (W : 25~50), medium energy grade (W : 10~25), low energy grade (W : 1~10) and static water grade (W < 1). The comparison coefficient (the sorted coefficient) can be used as an index to identify the wave energy and the water -body energy in a sedimentary zone. The carbonate reservoir can be divided into four types of permeability layers: primary superhigh, secondary high, secondary medium-low and primary low permeability layers, in line with the physical properties caused by the deposition and post-depositional reconstruction of the grain-clastic carbonate rocks.
Key words:
- grained clasts /
- carbonate rock /
- sedimentary mechanism /
- reservoir implication
表 1 储层类型-水波能量指数
Table 1. Correspondence of different reservoirs to wave energy indexes
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