Response of Runoff in High Altitude Area over the Typical Chinese Monsoonal Temperate Glacial Region to Climate Warming
摘要: 通过丽江盆地气象水文观测资料研究发现: 冰雪消融加剧、融水增加, 漾弓江流域径流量明显上升; 高海拔冰雪区消融期提前, 春季径流增加明显; 高海拔冰雪区的径流输出对漾弓江流域水量平衡的贡献量逐年增加, 体现了全球气候变暖背景下高海拔冰雪区对整个流域水循环的重要性.对海螺沟流域实测气象水文资料的分析也表明, 气候变暖背景下, 该流域冰雪区水量输出也逐年上升.两流域高海拔区输出水量的剧烈增加, 明显响应了气候变暖, 表明了流域水循环的加速, 这必然将对区域的发展和资源开发产生重要影响.Abstract: Based on the the hydrological and meteorological data in Lijiang basin, the precipitation, groundwater and runoff in this typical monsoonal temperate glacier area increase significantly, which suggests that water cycle over the region more rapidly under the climate warming. The increase amplitude of runoff in the downstream region of the glaciated area is much stronger than that of precipitation, resulting from the prominent increase of melt water from Mt. Yulong. It indicates that the contribution made by melt water to runoff increase is great under the climate warming, especially in autumn, winter and spring. It is also obvious in Hailuogou basin according to the preliminary analysis of the observational hydrological and meteorological data. The results in this paper are significant to study the glacier variation, water balance and glacier disaster in Chinese monsoonal temperate glacier regions.
Key words:
- climate warming /
- monsoonal temperate glacier region /
- Mt. Yulong /
- Mt.Gongga /
- runoff
图 2 1979—2003年丽江年降水量(a);木家桥水文站年平均流量(b);1979—2003年木家桥年最小流量变化(c)(图中的直线为线性趋势线)
Fig. 2. Annual total precipitation variation during 1979-2003 years in Lijiang (a); Annual average discharge variation during 1979-2003 years in Yanggongjian basin (b); Annual minimum discharge variation during 1979-2003 years in Yanggongjian basin (c)
表 1 升温前期10年(1979—1988年)和升温后期10年(1994—2003年)平均丽江降水量、木家桥径流量和PGlacier值以及升温后期这些变量相对于升温前期增加的百分比
Table 1. Increased percent of precipitation, discharge and PGlacier between 1994-2003 years and 1979-1998 years
丽江平均降水量(mm) 木家桥年平均径流量(mm) 平均PGlacier(mm) 1979—1988年 908 300 110 1994—2003年 1 045 536 210 增加百分比(%) 15.1 78.7 90.9 -
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