Mesozoic Intra-Continental Progressive Deformation in Western Hunan-Hubei-Eastern Sichuan Provinces of China: Evidence from Apatite Fission Track and Balanced Cross-Section
摘要: 从湘鄂西到川东近400 km宽阔的中上扬子陆内中古生界变形是江南—雪峰陆内造山作用向西北方向递进扩展变形的结果.利用磷灰石裂变径迹年龄测定和埋藏热历史模拟以及雪峰山—华蓥山构造剖面的平衡演变分析方法, 揭示出自湘鄂西向川东华蓥山构造变形发展的时代从165 Ma到95 Ma, 具有递进变新的趋势.湘鄂西断褶带厚皮构造变形缩短率小于川东断褶带薄皮构造的变形缩短率, 但侏罗纪时期湘鄂西断褶带的缩短速率却明显大于早白垩世早中时期川东断褶带东南段的缩短速率, 而早白垩世早中时期川东断褶带东南段的缩短速率又大于早白垩世晚期川东断褶带北西段的缩短速率, 反映基底卷入程度和推挤力源的强度大小是控制缩短率和缩短速率的主要原因.这些结果表明湘鄂西—川东中生代陆内变形具有大跨度穿时递进扩展的特征和方式, 并且由于基底的差异和卷入程度的不同以及滑脱层参与深度和程度的不同, 不同构造带缩短率和缩短速率的变化反映出明显的陆内变形及其动力学的差异.研究推测, 如果江南—雪峰隆起是原地或准原地体, 则湘鄂西—川东陆内构造递进扩展变形的"发动机"在桃源—怀化一线, 该线亦是江南—雪峰中生代陆内造山作用开始发轫并向南北两侧呈花状扩展的位置.Abstract: The Mesozoic intra-continental evolution of about 400 km wide middle-upper Yangtze thrust belt from western Hunan-Hubei-eastern Sichuan provinces has been established with a time interval of 70 Ma (from 165 Ma to 95 Ma). Based on apatite fission track (AFT), time-temperature thermal history and balanced cross-section, we conclude that the deformation evolution is progressive from southeast (Jiangnan-Xuefeng intra-continental orogeny) to northwest (Huayingshan thrust belt), and younger and younger. The shortening of thick-skinned fault-fold zone in western Hunan Province-Hubei Province is less than that of thin-skinned fault-fold zone in east Sichuan Province. The shortening rate of the fault-fold zone in western Hunan Province-Hubei Province during Jurassic is obviously more than that of the southeast region of the fault-fold zone of eastern Sichuan Province during the early and middle periods of Early Crataceous. And the shortening rate of the southeast region of the fault-fold zone of eastern Sichuan Province during the early and middle periods of Early Crataceous is more than that of the northwest region of the fault-fold zone of eastern Sichuan Province during the late periods of Early Crataceous. The differences of the shortening rates in the different zones are controlled by the basement and the strength of the compressional deformation. These results indicate that Mesozoic intra-continental deformation in western Hunan Province-Hubei Province to eastern Sichuan Province is progressive with a large width and a long diachronous interval. Because of the different basement, basement involvement level and participation level of detachment layer, the differences of shorterning and shortening rates reflect the obvious differences of intra-continental deformation and its dynamics. The "driving engine" of Mesozoic intra-continental progressive deformation is speculated to be in Taoyuan-Huaihua area, if the Jiangnan-Xuefeng uplift is in place or parautochthon. The Taoyuan-Huaihua area is also where the Jiangnan-Xuefeng Mesozoic intra-continental orogenesis began and expanded southward and northward with a flower-structure geometry.
图 3 湘鄂西—川东构造带典型地层接触关系(点位见图 1)
Fig. 3. Profiles of unconformable contacts in study area
表 1 湘鄂西-川东地区磷灰石裂变径迹测定结果
Table 1. Results of AFT of western Hunan Province-Hubei Province to eastern Sichuan Province
样号 构造位置 层位 颗粒数 ρs(Ns)(105/cm) ρi(Ni)(105/cm) P(χ2)(%) t±1σ(Ma) L(μm) n WD-44* 华蓥山背斜 J3 28 1.618(153) 5.699(539) 58.70 47.8±7.1 11.5±1.7 59 WE-8* 万县复向斜 J3 17 3.309(587) 10.186(1 807) 21.52 67.1±4.2 12.3±1.8 101 SJ-2* 方斗山复背斜 J3 16 2.378(264) 6.288(698) 79.41 78.2±6.0 12.0±1.9 74 JL-1* 石柱复向斜 J2 18 5.437(193) 14.535(516) 5.71 76.7±8.8 11.2±2.4 68 X5* 利川复向斜 J2 10 0.699(449) 2.076(1 333) 9.00 61.0±5.1 13.2±0.4 43 Esh-21** 花果坪复向斜 P2 21 25.540(894) 13.770(482) 34.00 154.1±10.2 / / HC-38*** 桑植石门复向斜 S 25 6.963(477) 13.124(899) 45.00 92.0±7.0 11.4±2.3 105 注:ρs和ρi分别表示矿物中自发裂变径迹密度和云母外探测器记录的矿物中诱发裂变径迹密度;Ns和Ni分别表示所测径迹数量;P(χ2)为Chi-sq检验概率,当P(χ2)>5%时,通常认为所测单颗粒年龄属于同组年龄,否则,属于不同年龄组;t为裂变径迹测定年龄,一般用Central年龄值,当单颗粒年龄为0时,用Pooled年龄值;L为平均径迹长度;n为所测径迹条数.*样品测试由中国科学院高能物理研究所完成;**样品数据苏勇(2007);***样品数据李双建等(2008). 表 2 湘鄂西—川东地区平衡剖面变形量
Table 2. Deformation rate of balanced cross sections of western Hunan Province-Hubei Province to eastern Sichuan Province
时期 剖面位置 变形前剖面长度L0(km) 变形后剖面长度L(km) 缩短量ΔL=L0 —L(km) 缩短率(%)R=ΔL/L0 侏罗纪末 南东边界断裂—齐岳山 258.3 223.1 35.2 13.6 齐岳山—七里峡 153.9 153.9 0 0 七里峡—华蓥山 52.2 52.2 0 0 早白垩世中期 南东边界断裂—齐岳山 223.1 223.1 0 0 齐岳山—七里峡 153.9 121.3 32.6 21.2 七里峡—华蓥山 52.2 52.2 0 0 早白垩世末 南东边界断裂—齐岳山 223.1 223.1 0 0 齐岳山—七里峡 121.3 121.3 0 0 七里峡—华蓥山 52.2 41.8 10.4 19.9 晚白垩世—古近纪 南东边界断裂—齐岳山 223.1 228.3 -5.2 -2.3 齐岳山—七里峡 121.3 121.3 0 0 七里峡—华蓥山 41.8 41.8 0 0 表 3 湘鄂西—川东地区平衡剖面缩短速率
Table 3. Shortening rate of balanced cross sections of western Hunan Province-Hubei Province to eastern Sichuan Province
时期 剖面位置 变形时间(起—止)(Ma) 缩短量(km) 缩短率(%) 缩短速率(mm/a) 侏罗纪中晚期 湘鄂西断褶带 20(165~145) 35.2 13.6 1.76 早白垩世早中期 川东断褶带南东段 30(145~115) 32.6 21.2 1.09 早白垩世晚期 川东断褶带北西段 20(115~95) 10.4 19.9 0.52 -
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