Fundamental Platform of Digital Oilfield Based on GIS
摘要: 目前的地理信息系统(geographic information system,GIS)基础平台不能够很好地适应数字油田工作的开展,迫切需要结合油田的实际业务开发面向油田应用的专业基础平台.开展了多元油田数据的统一存储、多级海量油田数据分布式管理、专业应用模型与GIS基础平台集成、协同研究工作平台等关键技术研究;在此基础上提出基于搭建思想构建数字油田基础平台的技术思路,为有效突破GIS在石油行业的应用瓶颈提供了解决方案.结果表明,该平台的研究与开发对于扩大GIS应用领域也将有着现实意义.Abstract: The current geographic information system (GIS) fundamental platform can not provide efficient support for digitalizing oilfield. It is necessary to build an oil-application-oriented fundamental platform. This paper carries out the key technology research, such as management of unified storage of multi-type oilfield data, multiple level magnanimity distributed oilfield data, integration of application model and GIS platform, construction of the cooperation work platform. A framework of digital oilfield fundamental platform is proposed. It offers a breakthrough GIS applications in petroleum industry. The research and development of the fundamental platform also extends GIS applications.
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