Crustal Growth of the Eastern North China Craton and Sulu Orogen as Revealed by U-Pb Dating and Hf Isotopes of Detrital Zircons from Modern Rivers
摘要: 来自年轻沉积物或现代河流的碎屑锆石是研究大陆地壳生长演化的理想载体.为揭示华北克拉通东部和苏鲁造山带大陆地壳的生长演化, 采集了中国东部大清河、潮白河、辽河、大沽河和胶莱河的5个地方的河沙样品, 并对分选出来的碎屑锆石进行了LA-ICP-MS和MC-LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年和Hf同位素微区原位分析, 获得了396个锆石U-Pb谐和年龄及其对应的Hf同位素组成.2.4~2.5 Ga和1.8~1.9 Ga两个年龄特征峰指示大清河、潮白河和辽河的碎屑锆石来源于华北克拉通东部.辽河一部分100~500 Ma的锆石具有正的εHf(t)值和年轻的Hf模式年龄, 显示出显生宙的地壳生长.苏鲁造山带大沽河和胶莱河的碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄分布相对比较复杂, 但锆石U-Pb年龄和Hf同位素特征表明其为华北克拉通和扬子克拉通的混合来源.来自大清河、潮白河和辽河的锆石U-Pb年龄和Hf同位素证据, 表明华北克拉通东部地壳生长的主要时期为2.4~3.0 Ga, 并在2.6~2.7 Ga时处于生长的最高峰, 次一级的生长期为1.3~2.3 Ga, 而在其他阶段几乎没有地壳的生长或者不明显.华北克拉通东部现存大陆地壳的80%来源于太古代和古元古代的生长, 而自古元古代开始大陆地壳的演化就以古老地壳的重熔再改造为主.此外, 大沽河碎屑锆石的Hf同位素组成揭示出苏鲁造山带在古生代(300~500 Ma)存在明显的地壳生长.Abstract: Detrial zircon from clastic sediment or sands of modern rivers is an ideal sample for studying the growth and evolution of the continental crust. In order to reveal the crustal growth of eastern North China craton and Sulu orogen, 396 concordant detrital zircons in three sand samples from the Daqing River, Chaobai River, Liao River, Dagu River and Jiaolai River in eastern North China were measured for U-Pb age and Hf isotopic compositions by excimer laser-ablation ICP-MS and MC-ICP-MS, respectively. The Daqing River, Chaobai River and Liao River are characterized by two age peaks of 2.4-2.5 Ga and 1.8-1.9 Ga, which indicate contributions from the eastern North China craton. Some 100-500 Ma zircons from the Liao River with positive εHf(t) values and young Hf model ages, suggesting Phanerozoic crustal growth. In contrast, U-Pb ages of the Dagu River and Jiaolai River, which run through the Sulu orogen, are more complicated and characterized by age groups of 2.4-2.5 Ga, 1.8-1.9 Ga and 700-800 Ma, implying a mixed provenance of eastern North China craton and Yangtze craton. The Lu-Hf isotope compositions of the Daqing River, Chaobai River and Liao River demonstrate the dominant growth at 2.4-3.0 Ga, with a peak at 2.6-2.7 Ga and minor growth during 1.3-2.3 Ga. However, there is insignificant crustal growth during other periods. In addition, 80% of the existing crust in eastern North China craton was produced before Paleoproterozoic and reworking of preexisting continental crust became dominant since then. Meanwhile, a Paleozoic (300-500 Ma) crustal growth characterizes zircon Hf isotopes of the Dagu River of the Sulu orogen.
Key words:
- North China craton /
- Sulu orogen /
- detrital zircon /
- crustal growth /
- U-Pb dating /
- Hf isotope /
- geochemistry
图 5 华北克拉通和扬子克拉通的年龄特征对比
华北克拉通的数据来自文献Zhao et al.(2001)和Gao et al.(2004)及其所引文献,扬子克拉通的数据来自文献Liu et al.(2008)
Fig. 5. Comparison of zircon U-Pb age distributions of Yangtze craton and North China craton
图 7 辽河及中亚造山带东部显生宙锆石的TDM2(Hf)分布对比(中亚造山带东部的数据来自文献程瑞玉等, 2006; Chen et al., 2009; Meng et al., 2010)
Fig. 7. Comparison of two-stage Hf crust formation model ages of Phanerozoic zircons for the Liao River and eastern of the eastern Central Asian orogenic belt (CAOB)
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