Sorption of Trichloroethylene by the Simulated Organo-Mineral Complexes
摘要: 为了研究土壤中有机质-矿质复合体结合形式对有机污染物吸附的影响, 利用批实验的方法, 对比研究有机质-矿质复合体与无机矿物和腐殖酸简单的混合物对三氯乙烯的吸附.结果表明, 与腐殖酸相比, 高岭石和石英砂吸附三氯乙烯量很小.模拟有机质-矿质复合体吸附三氯乙烯是线性吸附, Koc值随腐殖酸含量的增加而减小, 并且比纯腐殖酸样品的Koc值小.有机质与矿质的相互作用影响了有机质的吸附性能.对有机质在复合体中的形态变化进行了分析, 提出了有机质-矿质复合体模型, 并对实验结果进行了合理的解释.Abstract: Adsorption behavior of trichloroethylene on the simulated orano-mineral complex and the mixture of mineral and humic acid were comparatively studied with batch technique. The results show that sorption capacity of trichloroethylene by kaolinite and quartz sand is quite small compared to that of the humic acid. Trichloroethylene sorption to the simulated organo-minerals exhibits linear isotherm and Koc decreases with the increase of the humic acid loading, being less than that of the pure humic acid. The interaction of humic acid and simulated minerals affects the sorption of trichloroethylene. Based on the analysis of conformation of the humic acid in the complexes, a model of organo-mineral is generalized to explain the results well.
Key words:
- organic matter /
- mineral matter /
- trichloroethylene /
- organo-mineral complexes /
- groundwater /
- pollution control
表 1 模拟矿物和模拟土样参数
Table 1. The parameters of model minerals and simulated soils
编号 foc(%) 高岭石∶石英砂 KW1 0.00 3∶7 KW2 0.00 纯高岭石 S1 0.16 3∶7 S2 0.29 3∶7 S3 0.58 3∶7 S4 0.82 3∶7 S5 1.19 3∶7 S6 1.55 3∶7 S7 2.29 3∶7 表 2 模拟矿物质对TCE的等温吸附方程
Table 2. TCE sorption isotherm equations of simulated minerals
样品 Langmuir方程 R2 K(kg·L-1) Sm(μg·kg-1) KW1 y=4.083x+0.017 0.992 0.004 60.606 KW2 y=0.751x+0.005 0.998 0.007 192.308 表 3 模拟土壤样品对TCE的等温吸附方程
Table 3. TCE adsorption isotherm equations of simulated soils
编号 foc(%) Freundlich吸附方程 n R2 Kd(L·kg-1) Koc(L·kg-1) S1 0.16 y=0.797x+0.245 0.797 0.996 0.57 355.21 S2 0.29 y=0.805x+0.612 0.805 0.997 1.42 490.86 S3 0.58 y=0.834x+0.730 0.834 0.994 2.23 384.5 S4 0.82 y=0.899x+0.734 0.899 0.989 3.22 392.2 S5 1.19 y=0.864x+0.984 0.864 0.989 4.90 411.38 S6 1.55 y=0.899x+1.060 0.899 0.996 7.06 455.77 S7 2.29 y=1.031x+0.938 1.031 0.992 10.07 439.87 表 4 模拟有机质—矿质复合体和腐殖酸的TCE等温吸附方程
Table 4. TCE sorption isotherm equations of simulated SOM-minerals and huimic acid
吸附剂 线性等温吸附方程 R2 Kd(L·kg-1) Koc(L·kg-1) foc(%) 腐殖酸 y=939x-21279 0.986 939 939 100 2%腐殖酸-高岭石 y=3.90x+43.85 0.981 3.90 629.0 0.62 4%腐殖酸-高岭石 y=7.29x-4.83 0.988 7.29 552.0 1.32 8%腐殖酸-高岭石 y=13.84x+131.12 0.960 13.84 425.8 3.25 -
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