Hydro-Geochemistry Implications of Evolution of Pore Water in Low-Penetrability Aquifer and Significance of Paleoclimate
摘要: 地下水开采、弱透水层释水, 以及污染物迁移转化、高危废物深埋选址等水文地质和工程地质活动中, 弱透水层的作用越来越受到重视.了解弱透水层孔隙水的演化特征是认识弱透水层作用的首要问题.采用机械压榨法提取了曹妃甸地区某钻孔0~100 m粘性土孔隙水, 对孔隙水化学特征进行了分析.结果显示钻孔粘性土孔隙水呈碱性, 总溶解固体为7.26~26.89 g/L, 从浅到深逐渐减小; 陆相沉积层Cl/Br比趋向无穷大, 而海相沉积层仅为279~289.分析得出弱透水层孔隙水基本为岩层沉积水, 陆相和海相沉积层孔隙水分别显示出淡水和海水起源特征, 没有后期海水入侵影响迹象; Cl-、Na+变化趋势主要受蒸发浓缩作用影响, SO42-受硫酸盐的还原作用和石膏的溶解作用共同控制, Ca2+、Na+、K+还受到沉积过程中阳离子交换与吸附作用影响; 由δ18O重建晚更新世古气温为5.21~5.81 ℃, 浅部40 m以内计算的气温偏高是由于全新世气候变暖、孔隙水向下扩散迁移混合的影响.Abstract: The low-penetrability aquifer plays an important role in hydrogeology and engineering geology activities, including groundwater exploitation, porewater release from aquitard, migration and transformation of pollutants, and reposition of high radioactive waste. For understanding the low-penetrability aquifer, it's important to investigate the evolution of pore water. In this paper, pore water was extracted by mechanical squeeze in a bore of Caofeidian with a depth of 0-100 m. The analysis of porewater indicates that the pore water is alkaline, and the total dissolved solid is between 7.26 and 26.89 g/L, decreasing with depth; and Cl/Br in continental sediment tends to infinity, while that in marine sediment is 279-280. It can be concluded that the pore water is sedimentary water revealing the freshwater and seawater characteristics in continental and marine sediment respectively with no clear signs of modern seawater intrusion. The trend of Cl-, Na+ is dominated by evaporation; SO42- is controlled both by sulfate reduction and gypsum dissolution; cation exchange and adsorption mainly influence Ca2+, K+ and Na+. The reconstruction of Late Pleistocene temperature is 5.21-5.81 ℃ using δ18O, with much higher temperatures calculated by shallow data within 40 m attributed to mixing and diffusion of modern pore water.
Key words:
- low-penetrability aquifer /
- pore water /
- geochemistry /
- oxygen and hydrogen isotope /
- hydrogeology
表 1 孔隙水主要离子浓度
Table 1. Major solute concentration of porewater
样品编号 深度(m) TDS pH Cl- Br- SO42- HCO3- Ca2+ Fe3+ K+ Mg2+ Na+ Sr2+ C1 16.2 26.89 5.30 16 827 - 96.9 32.95 721.4 55.50 389.9 769.1 7 979 10.70 C2 23.4 25.86 8.24 16 422 45.7 444.5 560.16 426.3 1.20 268.5 826.9 7 124 6.80 C3 28.7 25.08 7.75 15 382 - 711.2 247.13 523.9 2.30 128.4 852.1 7 309 9.40 C4 33.3 24.92 7.66 15 013 3.2 1 259 296.56 521.7 0.70 47.4 836.7 7 078 12.30 C5 37.6 23.55 7.97 14 843 29.1 1 079 243.84 1 159 -- 39.4 1 034 5 190 23.10 C6 43.5 20.70 8.35 12 050 16.9 1 921 382.23 404.7 0.90 46.2 954.6 5 082 13.70 C7 49.4 15.18 8.00 9 360 3.5 923.9 197.70 573.2 0.70 51.2 829.0 3 297 10.40 C8 53.5 13.76 8.05 7 345 - 1 696 494.26 296.8 0.60 57.4 642.9 3445 7.10 C9 68.1 9.81 7.79 5 876 - 337.2 276.79 459.5 0.70 85.9 346.5 2476 6.30 C10 74.4 8.04 8.05 4 799 - 289.6 362.46 234.0 0.60 36.2 288.7 2174 4.40 C11 78.5 7.26 8.48 4 049 - 532.3 790.82 76.8 0.90 40.4 178.2 2461 2.10 C12 88.2 8.81 7.65 4 988 17.4 314.7 335.55 156.1 0.55 19.25 348.9 2 682 4.60 C13 93.3 9.71 8.40 5 108 18.3 582.6 416.42 160.2 0.60 21.95 391.9 3 097 4.15 C14 97.2 10.27 8.48 4 688 16.2 2 020 581.62 247.0 - 25.2 399.5 3 019 5.40 注:表中各离子单位为mg/L,TDS单位为g/L. 表 2 氘氧同位素测试结果
Table 2. The results of oxygen and hydrogen isotope
深度(m) 16.2 28.7 33.3 43.5 49.4 δ18O(‰) -3.01 -5.49 -4.62 -7.54 -8.94 δD(‰) -12.9 -29.9 -24.7 -46.7 -56.8 深度(m) 53.5 88.2 93.3 97.2 渤海海水 δ18O(‰) -9.56 -9.85 -8.55 -9.98 -0.99 δD(‰) -61.4 -64.4 -56.3 -67.7 -10.7 表 3 特征离子比及矿物饱和指数
Table 3. Typical ion ratio and saturation index
深度(m) Cl/Br Sr/Ba SO4/Cl Ca/Cl γ(Na/Cl) SIcal SIdolo SIgyp 16.2 ∝ 4.12 0.006 0.043 0.73 -2.27 -4.11 -1.74 23.4 359.81 8.63 0.027 0.026 0.67 1.53 3.74 -1.29 28.7 ∝ 26.38 0.046 0.034 0.73 0.82 2.25 -1 33.3 4710.78 38.40 0.084 0.035 0.73 0.82 2.22 -0.76 37.6 510.07 67.16 0.073 0.078 0.54 1.33 3 -0.51 43.5 709.65 79.72 0.159 0.034 0.65 1.43 3.6 -0.66 49.4 2713 47.65 0.099 0.061 0.54 1.03 2.6 -0.74 53.5 ∝ 39.66 0.231 0.040 0.72 1.22 3.14 -0.72 68.1 ∝ 18.28 0.057 0.078 0.65 1.01 2.27 -1.09 74.4 ∝ 13.34 0.060 0.049 0.70 1.12 2.7 -1.36 78.5 ∝ 8.21 0.131 0.019 0.94 1.36 3.45 -1.56 88.2 286.89 9.30 0.063 0.031 0.83 0.53 1.78 -1.53 93.3 279.50 9.91 0.114 0.031 0.94 1.28 3.33 -1.31 97.2 289.96 31.25 0.431 0.053 0.99 1.61 3.79 -0.53 注:SIcal、SIdolo、SIgyp分别为方解石、白云石、石膏的饱和指数,通过PHREEQC软件的模拟计算值;γ为摩尔比. -
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