Characteristics of Geotemperature-Geopressure System of the Qianjiang Formation in the Qianjiang Depression and Their Relationship with Petroleum Accumulation
摘要: 基于200余口钻井的实测地温、地压及声波测井等资料,利用地温-地压系统原理,剖析了潜江凹陷潜江组的地温场、压力场及温压系统特征,并从油气生成、保存及分布角度探讨了温压系统与油气成藏的关系.研究表明:蚌湖和周矶向斜带具有较高的地温梯度,有利于潜江组烃源岩成熟生烃.潜江组砂岩今地层压力多为常压,深部泥岩欠压实发育,强化了深部泥岩的封闭作用.潜江组纵向发育静压型和高压型两类地温-地压系统,其中静压型主要发育于潜北陡坡带、东部斜坡带和西部斜坡带,以自生自储型油气藏为主;高压型发育于蚌湖和周矶向斜带,油气藏集中分布在深层超压体系顶部和浅层常压体系内部.平面上可划分为常温高压、低温高压、高温常压、常温常压、低温常压、高温低压、常温低压和低温低压8个分区,油气多分布于常温常压区.Abstract: Based on the measured temperature, pressure and acoustic log data of more than two hundred wells, the distribution characteristics of geothermal field, geopressure field and the geothermal-geopressure system of the Qianjiang Formation in the Qianjiang depression are analyzed by using the theory of geothermal-geopressure system. The relationship between the systems with petroleum accumulation is also discussed from the perspectives of hydrocarbon generation, preservation and distribution. This research comes to the following results: The Banghu and Zhouji syncline belts have higher geothermal gradient, which is favorable to the maturation of the Qianjiang Formation source rock expulsion. The present pressures of the Qianjiang Formation and stones mostly belong to normal range, whereas the deep Qianjiang Formation mudstones present uncompaction which enhanced its seal ability. In vertical, the T-P system of the Qianjiang Formation includes two kinds of static pressure and overpressure. The static pressure systems mainly distribute at the Qianbei steep slope belt, the eastern slope belt and the western slope belt where the reservoirs were formed by self-generation and self-storage, whereas the overpressure systems exist in the Banghu and Zhouji syncline belts where the reservoirs are distributed mostly at the top of the deep overpressure system and within the shallower normal pressure system. The lateral T-P systems can be divided into 8 subareas, namely, NTHP, LTHP, HTNP, NTNP, LTNP, HTLP, NTLP and LTLP, and the NTNP is the place where petroleum mainly accumulated.
图 4 潜江凹陷及各构造单元温压系统类型(图例同图 1)
Fig. 4. Types of geothermal-geopressure systems in the Qianjiang depression and its tectonic units
表 1 潜江凹陷潜江组代表性单井地温梯度与生烃门限深度关系
Table 1. Relationship between geothermal gradient and threshold depth of hydrocarbon generation of the Qiangjiang Formation in the Qianjiang depression
构造带 区带 井位 现今门限深度(m) 地温(℃) 地温梯度(℃/100 m) 平均门限深度(m) 平均地温梯度(℃/100 m) 潜北陡坡带 钟市 钟62 1 975.5 78.3 3.00 2 062 3.01 钟76 2 242.0 80.5 2.74 钟96 1 969.0 84.2 3.31 东部斜坡带 张港 张34 1 976.0 81.9 3.18 1 976 3.18 蚌湖向斜带 广华 广23 1 853.0 84.1 3.51 1 787 3.65 广1 1 715.0 85.1 3.85 广7 1 719.5 84 3.77 广10 1 737.5 84.7 3.78 广47 1 903.0 83.7 3.39 广22 1 775.0 84 3.66 广35 1 805.0 83.6 3.57 王场 王79 1 751.0 79.5 3.45 1 679 3.66 王74 1 842.0 80 3.31 王36 1 807.0 79.5 3.34 王83 1 315.0 79 4.56 周矶向斜带 高场 高7 1 761.0 83.8 3.67 1 892 3.45 高14 2 022.0 84.4 3.23 西部斜坡带 浩口 浩58 1 872.0 71.5 2.80 1 986 3.22 浩17 2 100.0 95.4 3.63 表 2 潜江凹陷各构造单元探明储量统计(104t)
Table 2. A statistical table showing the proved reserves of each tectonic unit in the Qianjiang depression
系统 高压型温压系统 静压型温压系统 层位 蚌湖向斜带 周矶向斜带 比例 总计 西部斜坡带 潜北陡坡带 东部斜坡带 比例 总计 潜一段 209 0 4% 209 0 0 0 0 0 潜二段 0 0 0 0 94 207 0 9% 301 潜三上段 1 634 264 35% 1 898 200 90 56 10% 346 潜三下段 874 75 17% 949 447 440 0 26% 887 潜四上段 1 975 404 44% 2 379 324 997 557 55% 1 878 表 3 潜江凹陷各含油层系温压系统分区探明油气储量分布(104t)
Table 3. Distribution of the proved reserves of each tectonic unit in the Qianjiang depression
温压区类型 潜一、二段 潜三上段 潜三下段 潜四上段 总计 比例 常温高压区 0 13 619 0 632 7% 低温高压区 0 0 0 1 751 1 751 20% 高温常压区 0 0 188 0 188 2% 常温常压区 211 1 996 641 1 763 4 611 52% 低温常压区 207 207 0 551 965 11% 高温低压区 0 0 78 0 78 1% 常温低压区 93 29 310 193 625 7% -
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