Geochronology of Diagenesis and Mineralization of the Luoyang Iron Deposit in Zhangping City, Fujian Province and Its Geological Significance
摘要: 为了确定闽西南地区铁矿床成矿时代及主要成矿作用特征, 选取洛阳铁矿床开展花岗岩LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb同位素测龄及辉钼矿Re-Os同位素年代学研究.结果表明洛阳铁矿床中辉钼矿Re-Os同位素模式年龄为(133.0±1.9)~(134.0±4.2)Ma, 为早白垩世成矿.矿区花岗斑岩结晶年龄为131±1 Ma, 细粒斑状花岗岩结晶年龄为131.64 ±0.62 Ma, 说明岩体都形成于早白垩世.通过对洛阳铁矿床花岗岩、磁铁矿体及辉钼矿体空间分布规律及矿化蚀变特征综合分析, 结合岩体与矿床年代学结果, 可以得出洛阳铁矿床主要形成于早白垩世, 与早白垩世花岗岩岩浆热液接触交代石炭纪碎屑岩-碳酸盐岩地层密切相关.
- Re-Os同位素年龄 /
- LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年代学 /
- 辉钼矿 /
- 洛阳铁矿 /
- 岩石学 /
- 成矿预测 /
- 矿床
Abstract: In order to determine the main mineralization time and ore forming genesis in the southwestern Fujian Province, this paper selects the Luoyang iron deposit to develop the study of LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb isotopic dating for granite and Re-Os geochronology for molybdenite from the iron ore body. According to the results, the molybdenite Re-Os isotopic model date is (133.0±1.9) to (134.0±4.2) Ma, which belongs to Early Cretaceous; and LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb isotopic dates for the granite porphyry and fine grain porphyritic granite are (131±1) Ma and (131.64 ±0.62) Ma respectively, which is very close to the mineralization time achieved by the Re-Os isotopic dating. According to the analysis of the granites, spatial distribution of magnetite and molybdenite ore bodies, and the mineralization and alteration characteristics, combining with the above granite and deposit chronological data, it is suggested that the Luoyang iron deposit mainly formed at Early Cretaceous when the contact thermofluid metasomatism occurred between the Early Cretaceous granites and the Carboniferous clastic and carbonate strata. -
图 2 福建漳平洛阳铁矿床8线勘查剖面图(据闽东南地质大队, 1984, 福建省漳平且洛阳铁矿南段详细勘探暨矿区普查地质报告修改)
Fig. 2. Geological section map of No.8 exploration line of the Luoyang iron deposit in Zhangping City, Fujian Province
表 1 漳平洛阳铁矿床辉钼矿的Re-Os同位素测定(×10-9)
Table 1. Re-Os isotopic data of molybdenite from the Luoyang iron deposit in Zhangping City
样品编号 Re 普Os 187Re 187Os 模式年龄(Ma) 测定值 不确定度 测定值 不确定度 测定值 不确定度 测定值 不确定度 测定值 不确定度 B128 29 420 0.23 0.506 1 0.044 4 18 490 0.150 41.02 0.35 133.0 1.9 B129 82 160 1.05 0.164 0 0.014 2 51 640 0.660 114.60 1.00 133.1 2.3 B134 14 450 0.21 0.834 4 0.296 8 9 081 0.135 20.29 0.53 134.0 4.2 表 2 洛阳铁矿区中细粒花岗岩及花岗斑岩锆石U-Pb同位素LA-MC-ICP-MS分析结果
Table 2. LA-MC-ICP-MSU-Pb lsotopic data for zircons from mediun-grained granite and granite porphyry granite porphyry of the Luoyang iron deposit
样品点号 含量 同位素比值 年龄(Ma) Pb U 206Pb/238U 1σ err 207Pb/235U 1σ err 207Pb/206Pb 1σ err 208Pb/232Th 1σ err 232Th/238U 1σ err 206Pb/238U 1σ 207Pb/235U 1σ 207Pb/206Pb 1σ BL461 1 4 190 0.020 7 0.000 1 0.64 0.141 6 0.008 5 6.03 0.049 6 0.003 0 6.02 0.004 0 0.000 0 1.07 1.002 6 0.005 1 0.50 132 1 134 8 175 141 2 6 228 0.020 6 0.000 1 0.63 0.139 9 0.006 3 4.50 0.049 2 0.002 2 4.41 0.004 7 0.000 0 0.64 1.405 9 0.003 7 0.26 132 1 133 6 156 103 3 5 195 0.020 8 0.000 1 0.66 0.140 3 0.007 7 5.50 0.049 0 0.002 7 5.45 0.005 2 0.000 1 0.99 1.1628 0.001 9 0.16 132 1 133 7 149 128 4 3 117 0.020 8 0.000 2 0.89 0.140 9 0.014 9 10.60 0.049 1 0.005 2 10.60 0.006 1 0.000 1 1.43 1.274 9 0.016 0 1.26 133 1 134 14 151 248 5 7 225 0.020 8 0.000 2 0.78 0.140 7 0.007 1 5.01 0.049 0 0.002 5 5.05 0.006 7 0.000 0 0.46 2.159 9 0.021 4 0.99 133 1 134 7 148 118 6 6 232 0.020 8 0.000 2 0.77 0.140 0 0.007 8 5.56 0.048 8 0.002 6 5.39 0.007 2 0.000 1 0.81 1.132 1 0.011 8 1.04 133 1 133 7 138 127 7 4 154 0.020 7 0.000 2 0.91 0.141 5 0.011 1 7.85 0.049 6 0.003 9 7.82 0.007 1 0.0001 1.52 0.998 9 0.005 5 0.55 132 1 134 11 174 182 8 3 136 0.020 8 0.000 2 0.89 0.141 0 0.011 7 8.27 0.049 3 0.004 0 8.09 0.007 3 0.000 1 1.39 1.073 3 0.003 0 0.28 132 1 134 11 160 189 9 6 226 0.020 5 0.000 1 0.72 0.137 6 0.006 5 4.75 0.048 8 0.002 3 4.70 0.006 6 0.000 1 0.88 1.078 4 0.009 2 0.86 131 1 131 6 138 110 10 6 242 0.020 2 0.000 1 0.72 0.137 7 0.007 0 5.12 0.049 4 0.002 5 4.99 0.006 0 0.000 1 0.88 1.033 3 0.004 3 0.42 129 1 131 7 167 117 11 12 446 0.021 0 0.000 1 0.69 0.140 7 0.004 1 2.90 0.048 7 0.001 4 2.83 0.006 5 0.000 0 0.64 1.264 2 0.002 7 0.21 134 1 134 4 131 67 12 3 128 0.020 7 0.000 2 1.14 0.139 5 0.014 4 10.31 0.048 8 0.004 9 10.06 0.006 4 0.000 2 2.69 0.765 2 0.002 1 0.28 132 2 133 14 139 236 13 4 173 0.020 7 0.000 2 0.81 0.142 0 0.008 1 5.71 0.049 7 0.002 8 5.71 0.006 2 0.000 1 0.92 1.172 5 0.007 9 0.67 132 1 135 8 179 133 14 11 427 0.020 8 0.000 2 0.89 0.142 0 0.004 3 3.03 0.049 5 0.001 4 2.91 0.006 5 0.000 0 0.64 1.214 2 0.007 8 0.64 133 1 135 4 173 68 15 8 299 0.020 7 0.000 2 0.74 0.138 4 0.005 8 4.20 0.048 6 0.002 0 4.18 0.006 4 0.000 0 0.56 1.430 3 0.008 5 0.60 132 1 132 6 126 98 16 5 253 0.020 1 0.000 2 1.09 0.137 2 0.014 3 10.40 0.049 6 0.004 7 9.50 0.007 3 0.000 1 1.82 0.316 9 0.002 7 0.86 128 1 131 14 174 222 17 5 162 0.020 8 0.000 2 0.78 0.140 8 0.011 0 7.83 0.049 1 0.003 8 7.70 0.007 7 0.000 1 0.94 1.396 9 0.011 3 0.81 133 1 134 10 150 180 18 6 228 0.020 3 0.000 2 0.77 0.137 6 0.006 3 4.57 0.049 1 0.002 3 4.58 0.006 9 0.000 0 0.65 1.510 4 0.022 5 1.49 130 1 131 6 152 107 19 8 420 0.020 7 0.000 1 0.64 0.139 4 0.004 4 3.16 0.048 8 0.001 5 3.08 0.007 1 0.000 0 0.58 0.062 8 0.000 7 1.07 132 1 132 4 136 72 20 4 173 0.020 1 0.000 1 0.74 0.138 2 0.009 2 6.62 0.049 7 0.003 3 6.61 0.006 8 0.000 1 1.44 0.881 0 0.008 5 0.96 129 1 131 9 183 154 21 5 224 0.020 6 0.000 2 0.85 0.138 6 0.007 6 5.49 0.048 7 0.002 6 5.34 0.006 7 0.000 1 1.06 0.907 8 0.0021 0.23 132 1 132 7 133 126 22 5 205 0.020 5 0.000 2 0.78 0.140 1 0.007 8 5.56 0.049 5 0.002 8 5.55 0.006 7 0.000 1 0.99 1.216 5 0.012 3 1.01 131 1 133 7 173 130 23 12 468 0.020 8 0.000 2 0.75 0.141 5 0.003 6 2.51 0.049 3 0.001 2 2.39 0.006 4 0.000 0 0.59 1.113 5 0.003 8 0.34 133 1 134 3 161 56 24 7 282 0.020 4 0.000 2 0.78 0.140 2 0.005 6 3.99 0.049 8 0.001 9 3.86 0.006 6 0.000 1 0.80 1.108 2 0.009 1 0.82 130 1 133 5 184 90 LY1407-3 1 7.983 8 317.391 3 0.020 18 0.000 1 0.684 8 0.137 2 0.003 1 2.265 7 0.049 3 0.001 0 2.103 5 0.006 6 0.000 2 2.818 0 1.188 9 0.007 5 0.630 4 128.780 8 0.881 9 130.560 3 2.958 1 163.067 4 3.430 0 2 9.509 8 353.079 9 0.020 66 0.000 1 0.674 3 0.143 4 0.002 2 1.526 6 0.050 4 0.000 8 1.532 4 0.007 3 0.000 2 2.889 1 1.280 3 0.013 5 1.054 1 131.803 6 0.888 8 136.108 8 2.077 8 211.887 4 3.247 0 3 3.909 0 154.566 3 0.020 71 0.000 1 0.723 3 0.138 3 0.004 5 3.239 7 0.048 4 0.001 5 3.188 7 0.006 8 0.000 2 2.841 2 1.086 8 0.004 2 0.383 0 132.144 8 0.955 7 131.559 0 4.262 1 120.992 4 3.858 1 4 6.093 4 247.768 9 0.020 17 0.000 1 0.684 7 0.136 5 0.003 6 2.663 7 0.049 1 0.001 3 2.574 5 0.006 8 0.000 2 2.882 9 1.055 9 0.004 0 0.381 6 128.761 3 0.881 7 129.877 5 3.459 5 150.349 4 3.870 8 5 7.926 0 307.188 9 0.020 52 0.000 1 0.648 6 0.141 2 0.002 7 1.932 1 0.049 9 0.000 9 1.892 9 0.007 0 0.000 2 2.783 6 1.171 9 0.005 9 0.503 7 130.938 5 0.849 3 134.101 7 2.591 0 190.496 5 3.605 8 6 7.081 8 263.272 7 0.020 46 0.000 1 0.730 0 0.139 5 0.002 0 1.442 4 0.049 5 0.000 7 1.390 8 0.007 4 0.000 2 2.835 7 1.277 4 0.006 0 0.469 7 130.535 0 0.952 9 132.572 7 1.912 2 169.240 7 2.353 7 7 4.077 9 168.532 3 0.020 34 0.000 1 0.649 6 0.139 9 0.008 5 6.062 9 0.049 9 0.003 0 5.967 0 0.005 8 0.000 2 2.903 7 1.121 2 0.004 8 0.424 5 129.793 2 0.843 1 132.912 8 8.058 3 189.032 6 11.279 5 8 3.164 9 117.895 1 0.020 37 0.000 2 0.769 6 0.138 6 0.007 1 5.087 4 0.049 3 0.002 4 4.918 9 0.006 8 0.000 2 2.881 8 1.398 8 0.006 5 0.463 3 130.024 4 1.000 7 131.815 0 6.705 9 164.209 1 8.077 3 9 2.935 3 118.925 9 0.020 36 0.000 2 0.905 9 0.138 3 0.013 7 9.929 5 0.049 3 0.004 7 9.591 5 0.006 3 0.000 2 2.983 1 1.124 7 0.008 3 0.738 7 129.959 9 1.177 3 131.523 2 13.059 6 159.854 5 15.332 5 10 5.476 9 216.685 8 0.020 63 0.000 1 0.685 9 0.142 1 0.004 6 3.214 7 0.050 0 0.001 7 3.329 0 0.006 2 0.000 2 2.801 8 1.194 7 0.007 0 0.582 0 131.628 4 0.902 8 134.923 8 4.337 4 193.325 4 6.435 8 11 12.194 8 444.196 8 0.020 45 0.000 1 0.662 1 0.139 9 0.002 5 1.814 4 0.049 6 0.000 9 1.802 1 0.006 2 0.000 2 2.779 6 1.637 9 0.013 1 0.798 2 130.510 0 0.864 1 132.951 7 2.412 3 176.799 3 3.186 2 12 7.600 8 255.751 6 0.020 83 0.000 1 0.653 1 0.139 4 0.006 6 4.702 4 0.048 5 0.002 3 4.675 6 0.005 9 0.000 2 2.788 6 2.105 0 0.008 6 0.407 4 132.895 1 0.868 0 132.520 9 6.231 7 125.818 9 5.882 8 13 4.831 1 194.891 7 0.020 57 0.000 1 0.711 0 0.137 7 0.007 1 5.178 8 0.048 6 0.002 5 5.091 0 0.006 0 0.000 2 2.912 6 1.164 5 0.007 4 0.637 9 131.226 9 0.933 0 131.007 4 6.784 7 127.030 1 6.467 1 14 4.457 1 146.405 9 0.020 95 0.000 2 1.140 3 0.143 0 0.006 4 4.457 8 0.049 5 0.001 7 3.354 4 0.009 6 0.000 4 3.794 8 1.365 8 0.005 7 0.415 2 133.627 1 1.523 7 135.743 4 6.051 2 172.927 0 5.800 7 15 15.704 5 621.633 6 0.020 18 0.000 1 0.645 7 0.137 6 0.002 1 1.495 6 0.049 5 0.000 6 1.203 6 0.006 0 0.000 2 2.800 5 1.315 0 0.005 1 0.389 2 128.796 7 0.831 6 130.942 3 1.958 4 170.050 2 2.046 8 16 5.923 7 246.861 6 0.020 69 0.000 1 0.701 4 0.142 1 0.007 1 4.966 6 0.049 8 0.002 5 5.051 8 0.005 7 0.000 2 2.890 0 1.039 2 0.021 0 2.021 5 132.042 1 0.926 1 134.936 4 6.701 8 186.181 0 9.405 5 17 8.193 5 307.801 6 0.020 65 0.000 1 0.660 5 0.138 2 0.004 2 3.056 6 0.048 5 0.001 4 2.978 2 0.005 5 0.000 2 2.812 9 1.626 8 0.006 9 0.423 7 131.750 9 0.870 2 131.456 6 4.018 2 126.141 3 3.756 7 19 3.811 6 157.429 3 0.020 37 0.000 1 0.726 1 0.140 7 0.005 6 3.994 0 0.050 1 0.001 9 3.778 4 0.006 0 0.000 2 2.872 2 1.090 6 0.008 6 0.784 9 130.002 8 0.944 0 133.628 2 5.337 1 198.560 8 7.502 3 20 4.623 4 176.250 0 0.020 61 0.000 1 0.696 5 0.143 2 0.005 8 4.015 3 0.050 4 0.002 0 3.871 8 0.006 1 0.000 2 2.841 3 1.403 5 0.011 6 0.829 8 131.537 7 0.916 2 135.898 3 5.456 8 212.782 3 8.238 6 21 4.910 8 175.435 9 0.021 18 0.000 2 0.715 9 0.142 3 0.006 5 4.556 9 0.048 7 0.001 9 3.858 9 0.006 6 0.000 2 3.310 1 1.518 0 0.009 3 0.611 7 135.134 5 0.967 5 135.067 7 6.154 8 133.893 4 5.166 8 22 3.826 4 152.263 7 0.020 49 0.000 2 0.773 8 0.138 3 0.007 3 5.258 9 0.048 9 0.002 6 5.231 0 0.005 6 0.000 2 2.988 7 1.329 7 0.007 1 0.537 5 130.770 3 1.011 9 131.522 5 6.916 6 145.129 9 7.591 7 23 7.430 5 308.083 7 0.020 75 0.000 1 0.653 8 0.142 0 0.004 4 3.117 6 0.049 6 0.001 6 3.129 7 0.005 5 0.000 2 2.858 9 1.096 9 0.012 3 1.122 2 132.396 5 0.865 7 134.819 7 4.203 1 177.720 9 5.562 1 24 6.002 3 240.987 9 0.020 81 0.000 2 0.787 3 0.142 2 0.006 2 4.356 0 0.049 6 0.002 0 3.967 0 0.005 9 0.000 2 3.061 4 1.155 7 0.007 6 0.657 4 132.748 3 1.045 2 134.991 9 5.880 2 174.645 9 6.928 2 25 6.535 4 257.026 4 0.020 35 0.000 2 1.055 2 0.141 6 0.009 7 6.829 6 0.050 5 0.002 8 5.561 9 0.006 0 0.000 2 3.723 3 1.312 6 0.006 1 0.467 3 129.876 0 1.370 5 134.461 9 9.183 2 216.243 3 12.027 3 26 18.001 7 638.967 1 0.020 68 0.000 1 0.612 5 0.140 0 0.002 3 1.635 8 0.049 1 0.000 8 1.665 7 0.005 3 0.000 1 2.777 0 2.012 8 0.009 4 0.467 4 131.965 2 0.808 2 133.033 8 2.176 2 152.155 8 2.534 5 27 5.454 7 218.117 2 0.020 64 0.000 2 0.739 9 0.139 9 0.004 4 3.116 2 0.049 2 0.001 5 3.145 7 0.005 3 0.000 2 2.847 2 1.347 4 0.014 5 1.075 0 131.684 2 0.974 4 132.943 4 4.142 8 155.500 9 4.891 6 28 2.834 1 111.842 7 0.020 72 0.000 2 0.770 6 0.139 5 0.009 3 6.692 9 0.048 8 0.003 3 6.811 4 0.009 3 0.000 3 3.104 9 0.800 4 0.003 4 0.427 5 132.232 4 1.018 9 132.606 5 8.875 3 139.313 2 9.489 2 29 4.619 1 179.408 2 0.021 04 0.000 1 0.657 5 0.145 7 0.006 3 4.310 7 0.050 2 0.002 1 4.206 0 0.009 3 0.000 3 3.064 1 0.815 2 0.007 4 0.903 2 134.228 3 0.882 5 138.101 6 5.953 2 205.212 6 8.631 2 31 3.129 8 125.619 0 0.020 80 0.000 2 1.058 0 0.139 5 0.016 2 11.641 3 0.048 7 0.004 6 9.367 2 0.007 6 0.000 7 9.479 1 0.905 6 0.004 5 0.500 8 132.681 9 1.403 8 132.634 4 15.440 3 131.783 7 12.344 4 32 3.468 8 142.346 2 0.020 47 0.000 2 0.742 9 0.141 2 0.006 0 4.262 5 0.050 0 0.001 9 3.888 4 0.006 8 0.000 2 2.999 0 0.968 9 0.006 6 0.678 2 130.613 3 0.970 4 134.144 1 5.717 9 197.119 5 7.664 9 注: 表中所列误差均为1σ; l~17, 19~29.31~32号共30点; 206Pb/238U表面年龄加权平均值为131±1 Ma; 3, 18.30号点测试异常已删去; err单位为%. -
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